Animals in the road


Donating Member
i had a deer jump out in front of me yesterday while riding with some friends and i was just wondering if anyone had any more advice of what to do just in case you end up with an animal in your path (this is what i have been told in the past and it has worked so far):

1)avoid if possible (this works best if you aren't doing over 150 mph

2)with small animals (dogs, rabbits, squirrels, etc.)-make sure your bike is not leaning and your front tire is straight at the moment of impact, also do not have your brakes applied as you hit said small animal (if anything, actually have a small amount of throttle-just enough to maintain speed-this keeps your tires from sliding on the "remains")

3)with big animals (deer, elk, wild boar)-pray, sing a song, think about your loved ones, enjoy your last few nanoseconds on your beloved 'Busa (if anyone has good suvival techniques for this, please post up as i would like to know them)
Stand up on the pegs for large animals so that you can go over them at the moment of impact. That is if it gives you no time for avoidance maneuvers. If you have a chance to think, do the "S swerve" impact avoidance technique that you learned at MSF school. It really works and if anything will minimize your impact exposure. For small animals you will usually have an instant to realize what you are about to kill. I hit a suicidal cat on one ride late at night last year. It literally jumped into the lane from the brush on the right and I split it in half. The rear tire went a bit squirrelly but I just took some breaths to digest what just happened. Don't waste time trying to avoid smaller creatures as the odds are that if you do so you will watch them walk away as you converge on the trees at the side of the road.
Right before you are about to hit something in the road, stand up on the pegs and crack the throttle so that the front end will go over it easier. Let off the throttle before the rear tire hits, if possible.
standing on pegs...never heard that one but sounds like good info if going to hit.
i put on bad boys air horns for all the stupid on the road. people and animals.
Just dont lock your knees. Keep your legs bent with your butt about 4-5" off the seat.
I ran over a psossum on my Katana about 8yrs ago and when I came back from where I was going I saw that I split it in two pieces! The bike sure bumped up when I hit it... scary! But I stayed on it.
Slow way down at night.  I hate those overgrown forest rats (deer).  

<span style='font-size:15pt;line-height:100%'>+1 !!</span>   <span style='font-size:15pt;line-height:100%'>The only thing a deer is good for Deer Jerky !   YUMMY !</span>  

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I was riding fast one night and cut between 3 deer standing on a corner in the middle of the road. I was coming into the corner really fast and did not see them. They did not even have time to move. I think god that night was controlling my bike. I rode between them. I can't say my underwear were in the best of shape though.
Strap a 00 your front brake assembly

Small animals are hard to avoid because they always seem to move where you go

(had a rabbit run -straight at me-)

I've always had the idea with deer that if you make them freeze up (the headlights thing) that they're easier to avoid than if they're going to jump wherever you swerve.

Did that make sense?