...and the US thinks they have leadership problems...

Plenty of experts would match up and debate with Al Gores team of experts if given the chance... that debate will never happen because if it did... it would not go well for the fear mongering side.

Notice... I said the climate does change. To think mans industrial activity is the only factor causing it is for the believers of the current narrative being spewed in every MSM news source. When the Sun goes through the cycles particular to itself then all the planets in our Solar system are also affected. Is our GDP output affecting the Sun also? America runs much cleaner that much of the developed world. China and other countries spews tons pollution everyday with little or no regard for its people. Climate change is purely political because if China really wanted to lead the world they would clean up their means of production to safe levels.

In a world where corrupt governments with unlimited resources for propaganda... and.... also have the MSM working for them we then should verify whatever it is they have to say. Unfortunately it is difficult to monitor pollution by country around the world. Unless you want to Google it... then...

Years ago everybody said Alex Jones was a conspiracy nut... then... we noticed some of the things he said that many people thought were crazy started to gain some validity. Ever notice why Julian Assange and Edward Snowden got the reputation they got? The MSM gave it to them and they got it for telling the truth about people that don't want the truth known about them. Tell me that isn't true

Foot in mouth disease with Colbert... when he said Trump will never be president he got to eat those words. When he said Trump colluded with the Russians what did we learn? We learned Wiesman was the lawyer directing the attacks on Trump, not Mueller... Did you see Mueller when he had to answer questions in front of Congress? it didn't go as planned for a 30 million dollar investigation with 500+ witnesses and 2500+ depositions.... another sham by the leftist marxist cabal of the "we hate people"class .

I would love to see Gutfeld invite Colbert to a debate... it would be epic.... the lies of the leftist marxist supporting radicals would be on display.

New information does change some of the causes and effects in this world. The deeper we go the more we find out that we don't have all the knowledge some of our ancient ancestors had. If we can't engineer and hypotosize at the level of the ancient world of geniouses with our computer simulations and PHD level education... then... what's missing?
Other than the usual political (Trump love) rhetoric, I agree with the first part of your post...our governments are chasing down the low hanging fruit without climbing the tree and going after the real world polluters such as India, Pakistan, China and the list goes on and on....

No a darn thing is being done to quell their pollution nor will it be. We in the west have become dependent on these countries for products that we are unable to cut the umbilical cord so they have us over a barrel and know it.

I've been in countries where oil and gas companies pretty much control them and anything goes when it comes to their needs and wants. It wasn't pretty....and even here in North America we have the same sorts of issues.
Other than the usual political (Trump love) rhetoric, I agree with the first part of your post...our governments are chasing down the low hanging fruit without climbing the tree and going after the real world polluters such as India, Pakistan, China and the list goes on and on....

No a darn thing is being done to quell their pollution nor will it be. We in the west have become dependent on these countries for products that we are unable to cut the umbilical cord so they have us over a barrel and know it.

I've been in countries where oil and gas companies pretty much control them and anything goes when it comes to their needs and wants. It wasn't pretty....and even here in North America we have the same sorts of issues.
I don't see any connection between what I said and what the former president has said as you alluded to.
You and several others here have been fooled by the mockingbird media... as Hitlers top guy of propaganda said decades ago... repeat lies over and over and eventually the people will believe it. The alphabet channels and all their minions have been spewing anti Trump rhetoric for about 6 years now and are still trying to take him down in any manner they can.... legal, or illegal.

Yes, Trump made some mistakes, however, compare him to Biden, Bush, Clinton, Carter and LBJ... the number of political blunders that got good Americans killed in comparison is ridiculous. For what did those good men and women die for? Were we under attack from a foreign country? In some ways, yes... but not directly... and we are still under attack... Its all become divide and conquer tactics through what ever topic you choose to discuss.

However, Trump pulled the USA out of the Paris Climate Change scam where the USA once again would get to subsidize the cost of making G7 countries ( or, whomever was signed up for it ) compliant with a set of industry standards that would once again raise the cost of doing business for western countries in the name of pollution reduction. meanwhile those other countries you mentioned pollute with not a care in the world. I am for reducing pollution worldwide, however, as you stated that isn't going to happen anytime soon.

We here in on the land mass called North America can always choose to re-industrialize. Sadly, the amount of resistance to that happening on a grand scale is unlikely anytime soon.

What we have these days is a government bent on total control of its people... and all the policy decisions that guide a country to manage it resources of both people and industry are doing more harm than good in many career fields.
Example.... Inject the covid vaccine or lose your job as a medical worker is just one example of over reach by those in power. Even the CDC says people with natural immunity to covid are better protected than those getting the jab. Add to that the freedom to choose what goes in your body.

Fortunately we have the state of Florida standing up against big tech in an attempt preserve our First Amendment rights. Without a 1st Amendment governments run roughshod over the people when people can't speak up for their protected rights as citizens.
I don't see any connection between what I said and what the former president has said as you alluded to.
You and several others here have been fooled by the mockingbird media... as Hitlers top guy of propaganda said decades ago... repeat lies over and over and eventually the people will believe it. The alphabet channels and all their minions have been spewing anti Trump rhetoric for about 6 years now and are still trying to take him down in any manner they can.... legal, or illegal.

Yes, Trump made some mistakes, however, compare him to Biden, Bush, Clinton, Carter and LBJ... the number of political blunders that got good Americans killed in comparison is ridiculous. For what did those good men and women die for? Were we under attack from a foreign country? In some ways, yes... but not directly... and we are still under attack... Its all become divide and conquer tactics through what ever topic you choose to discuss.

However, Trump pulled the USA out of the Paris Climate Change scam where the USA once again would get to subsidize the cost of making G7 countries ( or, whomever was signed up for it ) compliant with a set of industry standards that would once again raise the cost of doing business for western countries in the name of pollution reduction. meanwhile those other countries you mentioned pollute with not a care in the world. I am for reducing pollution worldwide, however, as you stated that isn't going to happen anytime soon.

We here in on the land mass called North America can always choose to re-industrialize. Sadly, the amount of resistance to that happening on a grand scale is unlikely anytime soon.

What we have these days is a government bent on total control of its people... and all the policy decisions that guide a country to manage it resources of both people and industry are doing more harm than good in many career fields.
Example.... Inject the covid vaccine or lose your job as a medical worker is just one example of over reach by those in power. Even the CDC says people with natural immunity to covid are better protected than those getting the jab. Add to that the freedom to choose what goes in your body.

Fortunately we have the state of Florida standing up against big tech in an attempt preserve our First Amendment rights. Without a 1st Amendment governments run roughshod over the people when people can't speak up for their protected rights as citizens.
Trump was/is too far left to run a country...you almost need a slightly left neutral to run it...there are just so many different personalities that being hard left or right just doesn't work. Take a look at how it is now under a hard right...it's not good either.

A man such as Trump who is too egotistical to believe he can lose an election and thus create the false impression the election was rigged against him is a dangerous person to have in power. In order for this to be a reality, each and every election in which there is a person who lost could be deemed as a rigged election.....there are only two candidates and both can't win.

Just like our government here, they take money out of the air and throw it around like they are in some rap video.....either they don't care or don't realize that this will drive the inflation rate through the roof and make our countries vulnerable to off shore influences. These same off shore influences have a really strong foot-hold in both our countries which will be impossible to reverse.

When organizations become a money grab, it is time to really re-evaluate their core purpose and give them teeth. The world polluters are also the world producers and therefore are untouchable as no nation wants to piss them off in the happenstance they get cut off from the flow of goods.

Add to this you have a very poor, corrupt country to your south and it is a catalyst for having illegal immigration issues. Does something need to be done to curb the flow of illegal immigrants? It sure does...perhaps the wall wasn't a really bad idea-the funding was the issue.
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Then we run into the whole Olympic event held in China this year...what a whole bunch of hypocrites the governments have become...they all pander to the Chinese government which is devoid of any and all human rights programs and due to their communist ideology strive to take over the world yet we still kiss their butts...

I think once the Olympics are done with, China will really step up their Taiwanese campaign.
Trump was/is too far left to run a country...you almost need a slightly left neutral to run it...there are just so many different personalities that being hard left or right just doesn't work. Take a look at how it is now under a hard right...it's not good either.

A man such as Trump who is too egotistical to believe he can lose an election and thus create the false impression the election was rigged against him is a dangerous person to have in power. In order for this to be a reality, each and every election in which there is a person who lost could be deemed as a rigged election.....there are only two candidates and both can't win.

Just like our government here, they take money out of the air and throw it around like they are in some rap video.....either they don't care or don't realize that this will drive the inflation rate through the roof and make our countries vulnerable to off shore influences. These same off shore influences have a really strong foot-hold in both our countries which will be impossible to reverse.

When organizations become a money grab, it is time to really re-evaluate their core purpose and give them teeth. The world polluters are also the world producers and therefore are untouchable as no nation wants to piss them off in the happenstance they get cut off from the flow of goods.

Add to this you have a very poor, corrupt country to your south and it is a catalyst for having illegal immigration issues. Does something need to be done to curb the flow of illegal immigrants? It sure does...perhaps the wall wasn't a really bad idea-the funding was the issue.
Trump to far left? Uh... I think you meant too far right... the leftist marxist cabal of Democratic Party leaders and their minions have the word "left" down to a well organized monstrosity of anti human policies.

Here is one example. Trump signed an order to have 20,000 national guards on duty in DC to protect the capitol and surrounding area from idiots that want to wreck things 2 days before January 6th. It also needed Nancy Pelosi's signature along with another person who's name escapes me. Nancy Pelosi's position as Speaker of the House actually mandates her to be the most powerful person in charge to make sure orders such as this are performed. What did Pelosi do? Nothing... she knew Trump signed it and did nothing. If Trump wanted a riot at the Capitol he would never have authorized that 20,000 national guards be on duty to protect the capitol. So... having revealed that... now fact check it... unless its already buried it should be an easy fact check. Or, its all propaganda from wherever propaganda comes from.

I saw president Trump drop in unscheduled to military bases on a number of occasions to visit the fine military men and women serving around the world and sometimes it was on national holidays. He was even seen serving on the chow line and meeting troops face to face. Is that considered egotistical also?
Did Obama or Clinton do that? I doubt it. When Bill and Hillary were in the WH it was said by several Secret Service agents that Hillary despised the Secret Service agents protecting her. She often ignored them for whatever reason it is that she justified in her mind.

About the wall... it is effective in several ways. When foreigners hundreds and or thousands of miles away from the border contemplate illegal entry the image of a 30 ft wall is cause for concern. What if I can't find a away to get past it? What if I fall from the top when attempting to get over it? What if I have to smuggle drugs through a cartel connection to gain access to the wall to enter the USA?

Walls can be breached, tunneled under or flown over. Walls simply slow down the flow.

As far as the funding goes... what does it cost America to have hundreds of thousands of illegals with few resources entering our country in the long term? The wall won't stop everyone... over stayed visas are running over half a million a year and the rules have changed under Biden... nobody is assigned to rounding them up and deporting them. These people are easy recruitments to vote democrat from here on out... its just more power grab policy in action.
I got the two mixed up...Right is conservative and left is liberal.....sometimes it's easy to get mixed up these days as the two often blend in together.
Hi. U will take the far far far left side as I am trans. Biden needs the illegals. We need there vote so let's make it OK for the to vote as they can in NY. Not just local elections but in all elections. We can pay for all there needs we just have to pay more taxes. And we should be very nice to them. The people with spare bedrooms can let them use them. We can also feed them and pay all there needs. We are doing it one way or an other. We could pass a law that if your household makes more than $30,000.00 a year you have to pay the rest in taxes.
I got the two mixed up...Right is conservative and left is liberal.....sometimes it's easy to get mixed up these days as the two often blend in together.
A simple mistake is easily fixed, no harm at all with the dialog we have been having.

My desire was to see if you responded to the point I made about president Trump signing the documents that order the national guard to protect the US Capitol on, before or after January 6th.

Add to that now that the person 2nd in command of the to the Attorney General cannot answer questions regarding the where about and activities of FBI agents on January 6th. These kinds of things take time to unravel... it now appears the FBI was actively engaged in the riots at the US Capitol on January 6th.

The next words are... oh please... don't tell me anymore of that conspiracy crap... you must be going looney tunes to think the FBI could ever be involved is something that silly...

Sorry to burst your bubble... I guess you can't remember what J Edgar Hoover was up to either back in his days as head of the FBI.

How about the fact that nobody was charged for sedition or the act of insurrection until over a year had passed. Opps! Suddenly it appears the powers that be got so caught up in the machiunations of what to do they forgot for over a year to charge somebody the the crime of insurrection.

Interesting times we are living in... it seems the powers that be are always moving forward with some kind of idiotic plan.
A simple mistake is easily fixed, no harm at all with the dialog we have been having.

My desire was to see if you responded to the point I made about president Trump signing the documents that order the national guard to protect the US Capitol on, before or after January 6th.

Add to that now that the person 2nd in command of the to the Attorney General cannot answer questions regarding the where about and activities of FBI agents on January 6th. These kinds of things take time to unravel... it now appears the FBI was actively engaged in the riots at the US Capitol on January 6th.

The next words are... oh please... don't tell me anymore of that conspiracy crap... you must be going looney tunes to think the FBI could ever be involved is something that silly...

Sorry to burst your bubble... I guess you can't remember what J Edgar Hoover was up to either back in his days as head of the FBI.

How about the fact that nobody was charged for sedition or the act of insurrection until over a year had passed. Opps! Suddenly it appears the powers that be got so caught up in the machiunations of what to do they forgot for over a year to charge somebody the the crime of insurrection.

Interesting times we are living in... it seems the powers that be are always moving forward with some kind of idiotic plan.
After doing a little research of my own, the fact Trump signed any document is almost as contentious as his false election claims...some sources say he did, others say he didn't...I honestly don't know what to believe on that front......

I do know he left his VP out to dry and did nothing to try and stop the insurrection, and he made the statement that the insurrectionists tried and professed his love for them....this was all caught out in the open...why he wasn't immediately taken into custody is beyond my reasoning...

The FBI of today and in J. Edgar Hoover's day are totally different animals....there's a lot of heat and light on them now a days.
After doing a little research of my own, the fact Trump signed any document is almost as contentious as his false election claims...some sources say he did, others say he didn't...I honestly don't know what to believe on that front......

I do know he left his VP out to dry and did nothing to try and stop the insurrection, and he made the statement that the insurrectionists tried and professed his love for them....this was all caught out in the open...why he wasn't immediately taken into custody is beyond my reasoning...

The FBI of today and in J. Edgar Hoover's day are totally different animals....there's a lot of heat and light on them now a days.
Who knows what was signed, however, it was still Pelosi's job to protect the US Capitol with the resources available to her as the Speaker of the House.

After all the damning evidence of voter fraud, ballot stuffing, and other illegal acts who is to say somebody got left out to dry?

One thing I have learned recently is the people that organized the US Capitol entry planned it with the strict rule that no guns would be carried onto the property. The phone records of this being discussed are in the possession of the FBI and other agencies. This is one reason why the charges have not been filed until recently. Washington DC is a gun free zone by law... as it should be.

Second, the video exist that records the protestors agreeing verbally that no violence was to occur. That video includes dialog between the protestors and the Capitol Police. This is how in part that the protestors were allowed to enter. They had a verbal agreement right then and there where they first entered. This is another point of contention that blurs the lines about the process of bringing charges against the protestors. The people still sitting in jail in solitary confinement are all there on the same charge... and they are not getting a speedy trial... they are being left to rot and flip over their plea perhaps.

Its all very messy... The election was a disaster ... it broke the confidence millions of American because they saw blatant violations of voter suppression and illegal activity having to do with how the ballots were handled and mishandled. We have Zuckerberg donating 350 million dollars to help manage the election centers in certain states that were crucial to vote being processed. We already know what's true about this last election. Until a new vote counting method that can't be corrupted is incorporated into elections like blockchain tech then the vote will always be prone to manipulation and fraud.
Second, the video exist that records the protestors agreeing verbally that no violence was to occur. That video includes dialog between the protestors and the Capitol Police. This is how in part that the protestors were allowed to enter. They had a verbal agreement right then and there where they first entered. This is another point of contention that blurs the lines about the process of bringing charges against the protestors. The people still sitting in jail in solitary confinement are all there on the same charge... and they are not getting a speedy trial... they are being left to rot and flip over their plea perhaps.
I've seen video of people pushing officers against walls in a very threatening manner, and people breaking windows and glass in doors as they forcibly enter. That leaky agreement you brought up was not even close to honored, hence the people in jail. Passion and anger get the best of many but it's not a defense of breaking the law. The riot was an atrocity fanned by Trump. He may not have had the ferocity of the riot in mind but he should have thought it out better. His failure to admit making mistakes somehow infects his supporters so here we are.
I've seen video of people pushing officers against walls in a very threatening manner, and people breaking windows and glass in doors as they forcibly enter. That leaky agreement you brought up was not even close to honored, hence the people in jail. Passion and anger get the best of many but it's not a defense of breaking the law. The riot was an atrocity fanned by Trump. He may not have had the ferocity of the riot in mind but he should have thought it out better. His failure to admit making mistakes somehow infects his supporters so here we are.
The videos looked pretty violent to me...the gallows they built on the grounds didn't look very peaceful..

Thank goodness they didn't go armed and shooting though...
I've seen video of people pushing officers against walls in a very threatening manner, and people breaking windows and glass in doors as they forcibly enter. That leaky agreement you brought up was not even close to honored, hence the people in jail. Passion and anger get the best of many but it's not a defense of breaking the law. The riot was an atrocity fanned by Trump. He may not have had the ferocity of the riot in mind but he should have thought it out better. His failure to admit making mistakes somehow infects his supporters so here we are.
The MSM only shows us what they want us to see... so... to think otherwise and know that what is seen is the whole story of what happened on Jan 6th will always be a video product of the MSM.

Whatever happened to that Ray Epps? Where is he now? ( free, at home going about his life ) Plenty of video of him and others rallying the crowd surrounding them by telling them to enter the Capitol with a strong message to bring energy to whatever process is going on inside the Capitol.

Just one sample of several...

The inflation hike is directly related to the pandemic, which began during what I call The Dump Years and much more importantly was made worse by Trump's inability to admit the seriousness of Covid-19 to the American public along his moronic inability listen to the advice of medical experts.
Biden is as confused a president as I can remember. That said, he inherited the mess Trump made with his foolish handling of the virus.
WTH are you talking about!?!?!?

When President Trump first mentioned it Pelosi said he is just trying to distract from the Russia Investigation - that we know know was all a DEM Marxist plot.

When President Trump mentioned it in the State of the Union Address The DEM Marxist piglosi tore up his speech.

When President Trump took first actions to protect America the DSP called him a racist.

The DSP is, again, the one that put their hatred for the President over the benefit of the Republic.
Here's our glorious leader in his full glory who was voted in again last night....

I am shocked to see this from you because you have, at least in the few threads I have read, backed his type of management.

I am sorry you have him to deal with. I also recently noticed something about one of your officials claiming something about no personal rights to private property.

Did Soros have anything to do with Trudeau?
I've seen video of people pushing officers against walls in a very threatening manner, and people breaking windows and glass in doors as they forcibly enter. That leaky agreement you brought up was not even close to honored, hence the people in jail. Passion and anger get the best of many but it's not a defense of breaking the law. The riot was an atrocity fanned by Trump. He may not have had the ferocity of the riot in mind but he should have thought it out better. His failure to admit making mistakes somehow infects his supporters so here we are.
You didn't see the thousands of people that attended the Jan 6th march but didn't go inside or hurl objects, or start attacking Capitol police did you? Its like anybody there was a criminal in your opinion especially if they thought the election was stolen... right?

The Jan 6th crap show going on now is getting ratings so low for one reason... people have heard enough BS... the current lying dummy in the White House is setting the record for the lowest marks in presidential history... but... keep pulling for him... he might get a brain upgrade from Elon... opps... that ain't gonna happen... Bydun didn't even invite Elon to the White House meeting with all the other manufacturers that build electric cars. Hmmm... I guess Tesla hasn't made enough progress in the electric car business to be a credible participant in meetings at the White House. Right?
For the life of me, I don't know why this person still holds a position within the American government.

Hi. I was not an attack capitol police 1 attakers 0
To me it was a protest that went off. They may have been set up or just stupid I do not know. Main stream news blown up to more than it was. Please do not believe all the fake news tjat is out there.