*** shortboarder vegas pics ***

On the road to Death Valley, some gravel on the road caused BA BUSA's front wheel to slip - here's the aftermath:

WEAR YOUR GEAR. Rich walked away with some rug burn from his leathers - the gear took all the hits.

This is what caused the accident - loose gravel that had come from the road surface. It was practically invisible until you reached down and picked it up.

We waited for Wayne to get a trailer - one luckything was that the incident happened at a relatively high elevation on the road, so it wasn't too hot.

We waited for a bit over an hour. During that time only ONE passing vehicle checked to see if we were ok.

I didn't go on the poker run on Saturday, opting to drink and look at the scenery at the pool

On my ride back, I was going to take the fast way back (I-15), but decided at the very last minute that I didn't want to dodge trucks while hungover, so I took the long way again.

Here's some scenery on the road to Tecopa.

As you approach Badwater (the lowest elevation and typically the hottest part of the US) the salt flats look like a moonscape.

Out on the dry-lake surface, there's various messages that visitors have scratched into the ground. I added my own:

There's also a fair amount of tourists there, taking the walk out to the middle of the salt flats. It's a long walk.

Got out of Death Valley and was about 50 miles north of Trona, CA when I stopped to take this photo...
