San Diego Hoons...10News // Lane Splitting Story


Seasoned Pilot
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Hope they never put it to a vote... :whistle:
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I personally don't lane split unless traffic has stopped. I have from time to time split when cars are moving. Taken a few Mirrors out..............But that was PARDINI'S Fault :shocked: :moon:
When all the cages are at a stop, it's no more dangerous than riding through a parking lot. Like many things in life, it's not just what you do, but how you do it.
That being said, I split :)
There are more deaths because there are so many more people riding these days.
Do it almost everyday. When we were in Nevada for the Stampede we ran across a traffic jam on the way home. The bike immediately went into the red and Lamb split lanes there too. How in the world do people ride motorcycles in stop and go traffic and not split lanes? Keep traffic moving, just keep traffic moving. That news report chose to put people on the air who don't know the rules of the road. She said it herself, "I don't know what the law is," CLASSIC. These drivers are probably the same ones that ride for miles in the "passing lane" while traffic backs up behind them and peeps pull bs moves like go across 3 or 4 lanes of traffic to swoop around the rolling traffic jam they are creating. All the time saying " I'm going the speed limit, if they want by me, they can pass on the right". Oh well, another spin for the news!

55 deaths in San Diego in 1 year. That's 1 a week countywide. Also, did you notice how they didn't attribute deaths to lane sharing, just motorcycle deaths. Inferring that the only way people die in California is by splitting lanes. They didn't say how many were the cage drivers fault, as in fastlaneken's accident. How many were alcohol related? Lamb could go on and on.....
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They have tried two years in a row here in Texas to get it passed, so far it never made it through.
There are more deaths because there are so many more people riding these days.

What 11 more deaths for the year, after four years of thousands on new riders? That means the ratio went down. That's a good thing, isn't it? Oh wait, good news doesn't sell. Silly me. :banghead:
Am I the only one that noticed the news people can't add. They ended up with 101% people voting in that survey.
Oh geesh here we go... There was a recent study done from a university that found motorcyles are safer moving through traffic compared to staying in with the flow. 1 of the biggest dangers with a motorcycle is getting rear ended. If I'm following traffic, odds are good sooner or later I'll get sandwiched between 2 cars. We've all seen traffic stop and someone who wasn't paying attention swerves to the shoulder and or rear ends the car in front and causes a chain reaction crash. lanesplitting is the safest place to be in traffic. Some people don't like it because they feel we are cutting in line.
I do agree with the CHP's assesment of helmet cams.
I've logged 10's of thousands of miles on California freeways lane splitting. When commuting home from work, I used to just fall in behind a CHP motor officer who was on his way home from work!
Tuf, great point on their inaccurate reporting of fatalaties vrs motorcycle population growth. Stats can be a great way to support a LIE or at least a misrepresentation of the facts.
And Aussiekeeper, connecting single payer health plans with Cali lane splitting is an example of loosing focus on one important motorcycle issue....thereby diluting the pro lane splitting position. Doyle