
When I went looking and found the BMW 1600, I was looking for a really comfortable long-distance touring bike. I soon realized that sitting upright uses different muscles and it was very difficult to get comfortable. I also felt the weight of the bike was very restricting. The BMW is the lightweight of the class and put nearly 135 hp to the ground, also best in class by far. Coming from a Busa this was all garbage. To me, it was just big, slow, and cumbersome. So when I started having technical issues I was more than done with the Bike. I can honestly say it was the worse thing I ever purchased.

I switched to a BMW 1250 GS because though I got a really bad deal on it, it was the best deal I was going to get with the K1600 hanging around my neck. But lo and behold this bike is amazingly fun to ride. I realized immediately what I hated about the long-distance tourer bikes; I don't tour. I do 2-3 day rides at most and those are to do backroad hooligan riding. The GS is my favorite bike ever. It's fast, quirky, good at almost anything, comfortable, and has all the rider aids you need to ride long and fast.

I think everyone should look at adventure bikes. They are the next logical step from a busa. Still fun, lighter than the busa and they open up a ton of options on and off-road. Right now the BMW rules that class, but there are several bikes I would recommend in the class.
Back to Joe Biden for a moment.

How long is the MSM going to let him go not answering questions?

One of my Corvette buddies responded to the question above... looks to be spot on to me.

He said....
Look, he's accomplishing every liberal wet dream by just being the half-dead, stupid bastard he has become. Why in the world would the Democrats replace him?

The press will never ask him tough questions, even if they do get access... WHICH THEY WON'T. The only way he'll be replaced is if he dies in view of the public. If he croaks during the night in his bed, we'll never hear about it. They'll just put his body back in the basement and say he's not feeling well. Dr. Jill and the whore will continue to call the shots with instructions from that nasty bitch, Pelosi.

The phony election was the last straw. There's no coming back from this without an armed revolution, and frankly I don't see that happening. We've taken one small step through corruption, and one giant leap toward socialism. The next phase will be inflation... and then I just don't know what will happen. But I'm sure it won't be good for taxpaying American citizens. Illegals, welfare slugs, politicians, and criminals... maybe.

The Republican Party is spineless, the DOJ/FBI is corrupt beyond description, the Supreme Court is hiding under the covers, and the Pentagon is busy designing uniforms for each of the 32 genders. Exactly who is going to declare war on the Democrat scum in this country? Mitch the Bitch? Mittens Romney? Susan Collins? John Durham (RIP)? Mike "Pussyhat" Pence?

When I went looking and found the BMW 1600, I was looking for a really comfortable long-distance touring bike. I soon realized that sitting upright uses different muscles and it was very difficult to get comfortable. I also felt the weight of the bike was very restricting. The BMW is the lightweight of the class and put nearly 135 hp to the ground, also best in class by far. Coming from a Busa this was all garbage. To me, it was just big, slow, and cumbersome. So when I started having technical issues I was more than done with the Bike. I can honestly say it was the worse thing I ever purchased.

I switched to a BMW 1250 GS because though I got a really bad deal on it, it was the best deal I was going to get with the K1600 hanging around my neck. But lo and behold this bike is amazingly fun to ride. I realized immediately what I hated about the long-distance tourer bikes; I don't tour. I do 2-3 day rides at most and those are to do backroad hooligan riding. The GS is my favorite bike ever. It's fast, quirky, good at almost anything, comfortable, and has all the rider aids you need to ride long and fast.

I think everyone should look at adventure bikes. They are the next logical step from a busa. Still fun, lighter than the busa and they open up a ton of options on and off-road. Right now the BMW rules that class, but there are several bikes I would recommend in the class.
That 1250 GS sounds like a solid ride with capabilities. I like the idea of getting off the road now and then... nothing to radical... dirt roads and narrow trails will open up new places to see and explore.

The BMW 1600... hmmmm... capable but pricey as compared to the Concours...
That 1250 GS sounds like a solid ride with capabilities. I like the idea of getting off the road now and then... nothing to radical... dirt roads and narrow trails will open up new places to see and explore.

The BMW 1600... hmmmm... capable but pricey as compared to the Concours...
I hated the 1600 so much I actually considered having it crushed and putting the video on Youtube. I do not recommend this bike to anyone, it is a critically flawed design and BMW should not be selling it.
Back to Joe Biden for a moment.

How long is the MSM going to let him go not answering questions?

One of my Corvette buddies responded to the question above... looks to be spot on to me.

He said....
Look, he's accomplishing every liberal wet dream by just being the half-dead, stupid bastard he has become. Why in the world would the Democrats replace him?

The press will never ask him tough questions, even if they do get access... WHICH THEY WON'T. The only way he'll be replaced is if he dies in view of the public. If he croaks during the night in his bed, we'll never hear about it. They'll just put his body back in the basement and say he's not feeling well. Dr. Jill and the whore will continue to call the shots with instructions from that nasty bitch, Pelosi.

The phony election was the last straw. There's no coming back from this without an armed revolution, and frankly I don't see that happening. We've taken one small step through corruption, and one giant leap toward socialism. The next phase will be inflation... and then I just don't know what will happen. But I'm sure it won't be good for taxpaying American citizens. Illegals, welfare slugs, politicians, and criminals... maybe.

The Republican Party is spineless, the DOJ/FBI is corrupt beyond description, the Supreme Court is hiding under the covers, and the Pentagon is busy designing uniforms for each of the 32 genders. Exactly who is going to declare war on the Democrat scum in this country? Mitch the Bitch? Mittens Romney? Susan Collins? John Durham (RIP)? Mike "Pussyhat" Pence?

I think they should carve out the worse land in the country and build a reservation for insurrectionist losers. Let them live out their freedom wet dreams without any federal assistance at all.
sarcasm of course.
I can appreciate the sarcasm... anybody with a functioning brain understands what happened.


Democrats are crazy not stupid . Bribes , coercion , threats , asset's in key places or just plain in power and control along with a lapdog MSM all are useful Idiots that are assets to achieve a agenda .
When the Democratic machine spent $ 500.000 dollars in Philia to run ads attacking the Local Law Firm representing Trump that set the standard .
You help Trump or the Republicans you can expect to be harassed your family threatened your clients threatened .

If you happen to be an elections board member and you see what's going on and don't like it . You can expect to be harassed and your family threatened like the person in Detroit experienced .

If you are a contracted truck driver and go public with hanky panky you witnessed same thing you and your family harassed and threatened .

We see clearly how it was accomplished just the usual voter fraud on steroids .

I believe the Fraud by voting machines was done by Chinese Interests since a half azzed check of the principals of the investment funds connected to all things software and security have at least Hong Kong based money in them which now of course are controlled and beholden to the CCP for continued operation . See Jack Woo .

You would have to ignore a lot of crap to convince yourself that election was legit .
Myself and prolly 55 million more know better .
Dem's and Chinese should be very proud of the massive effort to rob the USA of the best President it ever had .
In the next two years the 55 million that actually voted for Biden will wish they hadn't cause their intent is to crash this country they don't have a clue as to how to bake pies only how to hand out the slices .

What happened at 3:02 in the morning? What happened? No President has ever lost an election after carrying Florida, Ohio, and Iowa. President Trump won them all and won them by a lot, by a lot. President Trump won 94% of the primary vote. No incumbent President who received more than 75% of the primary vote has ever lost an election.

Read 131
I can appreciate the sarcasm... anybody with a functioning brain understands what happened.


Democrats are crazy not stupid . Bribes , coercion , threats , asset's in key places or just plain in power and control along with a lapdog MSM all are useful Idiots that are assets to achieve a agenda .
When the Democratic machine spent $ 500.000 dollars in Philia to run ads attacking the Local Law Firm representing Trump that set the standard .
You help Trump or the Republicans you can expect to be harassed your family threatened your clients threatened .

If you happen to be an elections board member and you see what's going on and don't like it . You can expect to be harassed and your family threatened like the person in Detroit experienced .

If you are a contracted truck driver and go public with hanky panky you witnessed same thing you and your family harassed and threatened .

We see clearly how it was accomplished just the usual voter fraud on steroids .

I believe the Fraud by voting machines was done by Chinese Interests since a half azzed check of the principals of the investment funds connected to all things software and security have at least Hong Kong based money in them which now of course are controlled and beholden to the CCP for continued operation . See Jack Woo .

You would have to ignore a lot of crap to convince yourself that election was legit .
Myself and prolly 55 million more know better .
Dem's and Chinese should be very proud of the massive effort to rob the USA of the best President it ever had .
In the next two years the 55 million that actually voted for Biden will wish they hadn't cause their intent is to crash this country they don't have a clue as to how to bake pies only how to hand out the slices .

What happened at 3:02 in the morning? What happened? No President has ever lost an election after carrying Florida, Ohio, and Iowa. President Trump won them all and won them by a lot, by a lot. President Trump won 94% of the primary vote. No incumbent President who received more than 75% of the primary vote has ever lost an election.

Read 131
All BS. You lost, get over it. If you think Trump didn't lose this election then apply that same logic to 2016 then he lost that one. So be happy that fool got the 4 years he did and move on..
sarcasm of course.

Aww, and here I was thinking about all the derelict and abandoned freighters that could be roped together and anchored off shore somewhere, waaaay off shore. Supplies could be air dropped and...
All BS. You lost, get over it. If you think Trump didn't lose this election then apply that same logic to 2016 then he lost that one. So be happy that fool got the 4 years he did and move on..
I didn't lose... America lost... America lost to a voting system that the so called winner calls the most extensive voter fraud organization ever put together in history.

I have to ask you... do you harbor hate on he same level as those that were pleased with the results ? Do the ends justify the means? In just 24 seconds we have that creep admitting what both parties organized.

Check out what the new Congress is planning for your gun rights now.

ALB21406 F2P
S. ll
To regulate assault weapons, to ensure that the right to keep and bear
arms is not unlimited, and for other purposes.
Mrs. FEINSTEIN (for herself, Mr. BLUMENTHAL, Mr. MURPHY, Mr. SCHU- MER, Mr. DURBIN, Mr. MARKEY, Mr. SCHATZ, Mr. MENENDEZ, Mr. CARPER, Mr. BROWN, Ms. HASSAN, Mr. MERKLEY, Mr. WHITEHOUSE, Mr. SANDERS, Ms. WARREN, Mr. CASEY, Mr. KAINE, Mr. REED, Mr. WARNER, Ms. HIRONO, Mr. WYDEN, Mr. CARDIN, Mr. COONS, Ms. SMITH, Mr. BOOKER, Mr. VAN HOLLEN, Ms. ROSEN, Ms. DUCKWORTH, Ms. KLOBUCHAR, Mr. LUJA ́N, Mr. PADILLA, Mrs. MURRAY, Mrs. GILLI- BRAND, Mrs. SHAHEEN, and Ms. STABENOW) introduced the following bill; which was read twice and referred to the Committee on llllllllll
To regulate assault weapons, to ensure that the right to keep and bear arms is not unlimited, and for other purposes.

1 2 3 4 5
Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representa- tives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, SECTION 1. SHORT TITLE.
This Act may be cited as the ‘‘Assault Weapons Ban of 2021’’.
ALB21406 F2P

(a) IN GENERAL.—Section 921(a) of title 18, United States Code, is amended—
(1) by inserting after paragraph (29) the fol- lowing:
‘‘(30) The term ‘semiautomatic pistol’ means any re- peating pistol that—
‘‘(A) utilizes a portion of the energy of a firing cartridge to extract the fired cartridge case and chamber the next round; and
‘‘(B) requires a separate pull of the trigger to fire each cartridge.
‘‘(31) The term ‘semiautomatic shotgun’ means any repeating shotgun that—
‘‘(A) utilizes a portion of the energy of a firing cartridge to extract the fired cartridge case and chamber the next round; and
‘‘(B) requires a separate pull of the trigger to fire each cartridge.’’; and
(2) by adding at the end the following:
‘‘(36) The term ‘semiautomatic assault weapon’ means any of the following, regardless of country of manu-
facture or caliber of ammunition accepted: ‘‘(A) A semiautomatic rifle that—
‘‘(i) has the capacity to utilize a magazine that is not a fixed magazine; and
ALB21406 F2P

‘‘(ii) does have any 1 of the following:
‘‘(I) A pistol grip.
‘‘(II) A forward grip.
‘‘(III) A folding, telescoping, or de-
tachable stock, or is otherwise foldable or adjustable in a manner that operates to re- duce the length, size, or any other dimen- sion, or otherwise enhances the concealability, of the weapon.
‘‘(IV) A grenade launcher. ‘‘(V) A barrel shroud. ‘‘(VI) A threaded barrel.
‘‘(B) A semiautomatic rifle that has a fixed magazine with the capacity to accept more than 10 rounds, except for an attached tubular device de- signed to accept, and capable of operating only with, .22 caliber rimfire ammunition.
‘‘(C) Any part, combination of parts, compo- nent, device, attachment, or accessory that is de- signed or functions to accelerate the rate of fire of a semiautomatic firearm but not convert the semi- automatic firearm into a machinegun.
‘‘(D) A semiautomatic pistol that—
‘‘(i) has the capacity to utilize a magazine
that is not a fixed magazine; and
Last edited:
Oh no you don’t you lying bastich! I already posted the (entire) speech about voter fraud that fully and quite easily explains the edited statement that you idiots keep showing as though that was all he said. What a crock of shiiite! Honesty eh? BS!
Trump unleashed the shameful and disgusting past (and in some cases present) our country has with white supremacists, Nazis, white nationalists, and domestic terrorists. He and people like you (minorities I might add) are in the way of the country moving forward and are purposely pushing America to failure. You believe your opinion is equal to actual facts, which is the very definition of a psychopath. We already know where this mindset will take the country - we watched it happen in the '30s.

I don't hate Trump, he is the enemy.
Oh no you don’t you lying bastich! I already posted the (entire) speech about voter fraud that fully and quite easily explains the edited statement that you idiots keep showing as though that was all he said. What a crock of shiiite! Honesty eh? BS!
Everything has been edited... however... look at the results from the action JB and the wrecking ball team have thrust upon America... the border situation is just one example.... The Tara Reade case hasn't moved forward and that all by itself shows you who JB is. My question is how long can this country hold together under the relentless wokeness and PC culture that is attacking and dividing this country.

JB and the rest of them are frauds... its been going on for decades... Those on the left hate what the Constitution and Bill of Rights stands for except when they can use it to destroy some group that they despise. The stupid fence is still up around the US Capitol... yes... the left is that afraid.

Hillary praised Saul Alinsky for his book titled... Rules for Radicals.... it is a book that should be categorized and put into the Anti human section of the library.
Trump unleashed the shameful and disgusting past (and in some cases present) our country has with white supremacists, Nazis, white nationalists, and domestic terrorists. He and people like you (minorities I might add) are in the way of the country moving forward and are purposely pushing America to failure. You believe your opinion is equal to actual facts, which is the very definition of a psychopath. We already know where this mindset will take the country - we watched it happen in the '30s.

I don't hate Trump, he is the enemy.
Yeah.... it appears nobody is responsible on a personal level for the destruction in their wake.... BLM and Anitifa are now the new Boy Scouts of America.... right? Those groups represent the radical leftist that are supported by the politicians that will not denounce them until it hurts their polling numbers.

It sounds like you think president Trump hates America... is that so?

Who is championing the past? What are reparations about? Which side is making that an issue? Talk about punishing innocent people... did your ancestors own slaves? Even if they did... you most likely don't own slaves.... in fact... even though I don't know you personally I would bet $10K right now that says you have never owned a slave.... you may have owned a business and hired people but you never had them work for free. So, don't preach to me how president trump is the bad guy.... he denounced all those groups... when he heard David Duke was supporting him he denounced it immediately as soon as he heard about it. President Trump isn't an idiot... the people that align against president Trump don't know who he is... they simply think Orange Man Bad because the media, Hollywood, and other institutions that constantly revise history for the purpose of dumbing people down is how they are suppose to influence people to think.

When this country goes down it will take the rest of the world with it... if you don't understand or believe that then nobody can explain it to you. You think the crash of 08 was bad? you ain't seen nothing yet.

One of the ways people can be controlled is to destroy the value of the currency they use... stay tuned... they haven't run out of ink and paper yet. we are over 2 months out from the electoral votes which sealed the deal on the election and we are still talking about it...

The good news is the weather is going to get better and better and hopefully the fiasco which happened will be a distant memory as we ply down the roads and hiways blissfully cranking the "go fast handle" of our happy bikes....

In the end the question will be "Trump...who?"
When this country goes down it will take the rest of the world with it... if you don't understand or believe that then nobody can explain it to you. You think the crash of 08 was bad? you ain't seen nothing yet.
Ok Senior Drama, Donald Trump was pushing for an equally expensive stimulus deal. The world is not ending just yet. Once I can't swing my leg over a motorcycle, then it can end. Obama brought us out of the crash in '08...and yet he's a Democrat, and then Trump, a Republican, continued us in a positive direction. So much for using partisan opinions when spouting stock market prognostications.
...Let's see, the US rose from the ashes after fighting the British...survived a civil war, participated in 2 world wars, Korea, Viet Nam, Iraq, Afghanistan, survived a couple sitting presidents being assassinated and one dying and only the loss of Donald Trump as the president will undo it as a nation...????
Ok Senior Drama, Donald Trump was pushing for an equally expensive stimulus deal. The world is not ending just yet. Once I can't swing my leg over a motorcycle, then it can end. Obama brought us out of the crash in '08...and yet he's a Democrat, and then Trump, a Republican, continued us in a positive direction. So much for using partisan opinions when spouting stock market prognostications.
Obama saved us? I am deep on the history of how the bubble was structured... you have no idea what happened. I have a question for you. Can you explain why only "arms length transactions" were allowed for people whom were vounteeringl to sell their homes through a short sale?

Obama didn't bring anybody out of anything... his banker / investment houses / insurance companies / lobbyist / fed reserve / and other buddies were mopping up on the main isle of Main Street making sure they picked the carasses clean while 5.1 million people were losing their homes and their equity... not to mention how many more went BK at the same time.

Did you forget the first 800 billion dollar bailout that led to the 80 billion a month of QE that all the banksters thought was a good idea? Who is suppose to pay that money back? F For the banks Its better than losing the bank, right? Banks like it when the taxpayer bails them out... right? After all... those were good loans... those bundled securities were good to... right? Trillions in losses in a structured play that made the poster boy for credit default swaps 3.7 billion in 2007. That guy goes by the name John Paulson. John is a hedge fund manager that likes making 35 to 50 dollars on every dollar he wagers... good work if you can find it... how did he know to bet against people not being able to pay their mortgages? Rent the movie the Big Short... even Hollywood made a few bucks on the crash of 08.

When it was all over nobody went to jail... and Obama saved us you say! please... Obama was following orders. Obama was to busy with Fast and Furious, IRS targeting conservative groups, or putting Dinesh Desuza in jail for contributing to much money to a political campaign... oh... the horror... pushing to much money into politics...

Stay active and take of yourself and you should be able to ride into your 80s unless some cage driver forgets to stop looking at his phone when he or she is driving.
...Let's see, the US rose from the ashes after fighting the British...survived a civil war, participated in 2 world wars, Korea, Viet Nam, Iraq, Afghanistan, survived a couple sitting presidents being assassinated and one dying and only the loss of Donald Trump as the president will undo it as a nation...????
We were still on the gold standard until 1971... money was backed and the value of it was the truth. Now we have a world full of fiat currencies backed by the belief that it still holds value.... right now we are down 96% plus since 1913.

We really didn't survive the JFK murder... the truth has still not come out... the 50th year anniversary of his death has come and gone and the documents that "MIGHT" reveal the truth have still not been released.
It was known far and wide back in the 60s that the federal government pronounced they would release all the documents regarding the death of JFK. Jim Marrs did a lot of discovery regarding JFK as well as dozens of other researchers and investigative types that published what they suspected based on what was discovered.

This is why I brought up the envelopes handed out at Bush Sr. funeral. It might have had something to do with the fact that nobody with a legacy image to protect is no longer alive that might have played a role in the assasination all those years ago. Bush Sr said he wasn't in Dallas that day... somebody has a picture of him that is said to have been taken that day in Dallas... what is the truth? Bush Sr was head of the CIA during that time... so... he was an insider... that much is known.

That fact alone ( documents not released ) puts us on the level of a Banana Republic as it is defined when criminals overthrow the leader of a government and the truth is suppressed indefinitely while the narrative of lies is promoted by the powers that be... like the MSM.

The video posted ( JFK to 911 ) explains what the possibilities were on that day... do I believe everything Mr Conally says? I can't say because I don't know... I wasn't there. The information and circumstantial evidence as well as matching eyewitness testimonies tell a much different story than the Warren Report released. We also had Howard Hunt admitting on his death bed it was a conspiracy. Why would he lie when he knows he is about to die any day?

As I said before... no president is perfect... President Trump made many mistakes... getting rid of all the holdovers from Obama was the first one. Appointing Sessions as AG was a big mistake. Not having Hillary arrested and tried of her crimes was a big mistake. That case would have done much to restore more confidence in the justice system that the politicized DOJ and FBI we have now.
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