your CHRISTmas as a child poll:

your CHRISTmas as a child poll: - was yours with CHIRST or just an X?

  • No, we celebrated "Holidays" only, and gave gifts just cuz it's cool

    Votes: 62 100.0%

  • Total voters
I always thought that Christmas was just a clever ploy invented by the Jews to get us to buy more stuff. rock.gif

Always good to see a board moderator spewing hate and doing a little bashing around here. I am not even religious but its getting to where I dont even want to come here anymore. Just nasty with no constructive outcome even possible, just nasty.

Merry Christmas anyway!
So I ask you , If you are not a christian and do not belive in christ , why would you celebrate it ??

Same reason I celebrate easter, holloween and most any other holiday. For the social factor. A deicted time that I can spend with friends and family. I don't believe the christian have any exclusive claim to that.

But also as I stated above christmas is not a christain holiday. Its a day the christian tried to claim as theirs but has existed long before christianity.
WOW! You could loose your head over comments like that! Some places! That's why its Merry Christmas here! Home of the free to say what you want! thumb_up.gif

I'm curious as to what CHRISTmas was for everyone WHEN THEY WERE KIDS.

Did some of you celebrate the holiday with absolutely zero acknoledgement of Christ? That is hard for me to imagine, so I wonder who gets offended by Christmas Carols sung in school and such?

90% of the carols are religious songs. Then there is a snowman and a reindeer song, and something about grandma getting run over by Santa?

Yeah, yeah, CHRISTmas is the wrong day and invented by pagans and such but....


oh and dont forget: ALL OPINIONS AND PERSPECTIVES ARE RESPECTED AND ALLOWED. Just don't run down other's beliefs. Cuz it's not nice and Santa said not to.
Its a day the christian tried to claim as theirs but has existed long before christianity.
so why is the word CHRIST in the title? I think we did a pretty darn good job pwning CHRISTmas. been a representation for us a very long time, and probably not gonna change any decade soon biggrin.gif
been a representation for us a very long time, and probably not gonna change any decade soon
actually Christmas, as defined by Christians has only existed a few hundred years.  Which always struck me odd, since Christ supposedly happen over 2000 years ago.  And of course the whole Santa thing was really only recently started by Charles D

so why is the word CHRIST in the title?
I assume the name change occurred when Christians decided to claim it.

And to answer your original question.  
as a child I was taken to church for Christmas & Easter - other then that Christ was not mentioned and was not really a factor in the holiday. It wasn't until much later in life I decided to seek out and study a variety of religions and come to my own conclusions as an adult.

And  I'm only offended by religion when folks try to force it on me.  I don't come to your home uninvited, don't preach to me on my own doorstep.. esp at 8am.

And I am a tad confused by the anti-discussion folks in this thread. I've learn more about religion in debates like this then any book or fool trying to preach.  I get the feeling some folks are afraid reading opposing opinions will force them into changing their beliefs. Geez lighten up.
And I'm only offended by religion when folks try to force it on me. I don't come to your home uninvited, don't preach to me on my own doorstep.. esp at 8am.

And I am a tad confused by the anti-discussion folks in this thread. I've learn more about religion in debates like this then any book or fool trying to preach. I get the feeling some folks are afraid reading opposing opinions will force them into changing their beliefs. Geez lighten up.
I agree with you on the 8am crap. Wait until TEN, at least!! ahhaha no, I do agree there.

THESE discussions usually go all over the place. Many watch and listen, others get offended, but somewhere in the middle we all ususally learn a little bit. H.oRG is a decent board, but sometimes our deep politics/religion discussions do get heated. But it never lasts, everyone calms down and gets back to normal soon after, in the end, mutual respect keeps the friendships in line and the common bond of the Hayabusa is still our sanctuary smile.gif

I'm curious as to what CHRISTmas was for everyone WHEN THEY WERE KIDS.  
Okay, for the sake of discussion, I was raised CHRISTmas. I was raised in a Christian household with a Nazarene Pastor StepDad... He later left the church due to some problem he made for himself with my mother, but thats different. As a kid, it was about the presents. Now, as a growed up 23 yr old, it's about family and friends and Jesus.

Now, to the OTHER discussion going on here. I do beleive that CHRISTmas was started by Christians... after stealing from PAGANS! (Just easier to group for this discussion, as all Christianity is grouped with Catholic usually... Or the ones knocking on your door at 8 am.) Now, Easter is the same way, stolen to try and make the Pagans celebrate the Christian way... Just like the inquisition. (NOBODY EXPECTS THE SPANISH INQUISITION!!!!!) So, my look on Christmas? I celebrate it, as it symbolizes now the birth of Christ, even though the date was stolen from Pagans, and, from my understanding, Jesus actually would've been born about June/july, as it would've been too cold in Bethlehem on Dec 25 for Sheperds to let the sheep graze at night... Also, if I remember correctly, didn't Revlis post a link about the whole CHRISTmas tree thing being rooted in Paganism last year? Okay, thats my 2 pennies worth. poke and prod it all ya want, I'm not guaranteeing accuracy, but I'm pretty sure it's like that... Or something like that... cool.gif

For da bug, Christmas is/was a day given and created by man to celebrate the birth of Christ! Which brings up an interesting point,
the bible doens't give a date for the birth of our Lord. Seeing this thread I now understand why perhaps it was left out,
wasn't really important! However, what is and still remains unchanged is the fact that you have a choice to believe or not...
Can't be forced on anyone so, for at least one side of the arguement, it won't  be known if the choice made was the right decision until the end....
and if the Bug was going to gamble with forever he'd choose to follow the good book.

For the otherside of the coin I'll let you know, in a couple hundred years, if I made the right choice.
If you don't hear from me, well you get the idea......  smile.gif

Merry Christmas my oRg Brothers/Sisters no matter what U believe...
I'll never use an X in the place of Christ.
Go ahead...use the X..."Live life close to the edge,or else you're just taking up too much space."


Bad Rubbah.Bad. whistling.gif
laugh.gif  jump9.gif
I'm glad you picked up on my lil joke Busawizard...or else I would have come off lookin' like an' azzhole...again. laugh.gif

You folks play nice...or you'll just get a lump of coal in your stocking.

(happens to me every year) RSD.


As a was about gifts.  As an adult it is back to what is the reason for the season.

I am more religiously in tune to Christmas now than as a child.

I didn't step foot into a church... except for my baptism and weddings and funerals .... until I was 14 yrs old. And Christmas at my house usually consisted of screaming and hollering about we were late to go to some relative's house and Mom crying becasue Dad never got her anything.

My grandmother is the one I credit for saving my soul. Now I would rather go to church Christmas things than do the present thing now.

Unfortunately my spouse doesn't do the church thing... so I watch from afar.
ok... so, CHRISTmas was designated on another holiday. so what? what does that matter for anything? I just don't get why that keeps coming up, like it means something or holds some weight, or devalues CHRISTmas somehow, or makes it LESS of a religious holiday? It doesn't. Who cares?

Everybody [in USA anyway] celebrates with the gift giving part. Also a vast majority - according to everything I've ever seen - celebrate it in some religous way. The fact that the day used to be something else makes no diff.

IT'S CHRISTMAS NOW! biggrin.gif and I see nativities, lights, bright stars, trees, lights, santas, wise men, camels [in the snow?]

Man.... my CHRISTmas rants are getting weaker with age, aren't they!? biggrin.gif

thumb_up.gif Thanksgiving is my favorite holliday. There is no gift buying pressure. No having to run around everywhere. Just a great time with family and friends. By the time Christmas comes you are exhausted. If you are a Christian all of the hollidays are filled with meaning. Perhaps Easter is the most signifigant as it illustrates to a Christian there is more than this short worldly life.

Ok, so I'm not sure what to vote for...

As a kid, we went to church, and sometimes Jesus came up during the day. But in all honesty, I was most concerned with what I would get as a present. That was by far the most important thing to me. I hardly ever thought about Jesus.

Now, I am more concerned with what to get someone else and how to react if someone gets me something I am not thrilled about. Nobody is going to get me any big ticket items like an '08 Busa. And I've probably purchased any smaller items, if I really wanted them. I find it really stressful to buy gifts, and even receive them now...
When Mexico takes back what they think they own now, we'll be celebrating:

Las Posadas (the 9 days of candlelight processions starting Dec 16th

Las Pastorelas (sheperd plays)

and the most important day - Noche Buena (Christmas Eve). and we'll celebrate El Nino Dios (Holy child) without Santa, Reindeer and such

I have a really nice Columbian family living next door and I really like learning their traditions ... as well as those from Mexico. Kind of enlarges your vision.

Feliz Navidad y Propero ano nueve everyone