
The real problem with pot is that it's clearly a gateway drug. Whether it be addictive by itself or not, most of the heavy drug addicts in the WORLD started out on pot. Once you cross the rubicon, it becomes easier to try the other stuff (and you are addicted the FIRST TIME you try meth, or crack or coke).

I completely disagree with pot being a gateway drug. You are incorrect. Most people find themselves drinking long before smoking weed making booze more fitting of the term. Most of the people i know that smoked weed never did anything other than weed and drink. This is a false idea that we get from propaganda such as reefer madness. Also meth, crack, or coke are addictive but you may or may not get addicted the first time. That is a false statement, it can take multiple uses for a person to get addicted to these substances and that is totally depending on the individual person. And most of our over the counter prescriptions are just as dangerous and many kids and teens are able to find them much easier than weed, look in your med cabinet.

I'm not saying these items aren't dangerous or addictive but having spent most of my youth around these drugs involved with the people and possibly partaking in some of them i feel that i have a bit better understanding. I've lost many friends to substance abuse. I've had far more friends die from drinking related incidents than any other drug followed closely by prescription drug OD. Bottom line addicts are addicts and will find anything to feed the addiction needs they have be it drugs or gambling or adrenaline.

As for OP again addicts are addicts. Plus we live in an instant gratification society..
People today aren't really taught to be accountable for their actions. Look at politicians, Judges, police officers. So much of what we hear of in the news is these people doing all kinds of crap and they get a slap on the wrist. After a while a lot of people get the attitude of why shouldn't I try to get mine? Then they find out that the rules do apply to them when they get caught. Maybe if everybody was held equally accountable it would change a little.
I personally have only smoked weed once and regret it. Found out I was getting stop lossed my second time for 18 months (first time was for 4 months in Iraq). I was really drunk and extremely pissed off cuz my 8 year contract was up and the army didn't care. I immediately regretted it, maybe cuz I threw up from huge tokes. Then I tried to clean up with paper towels and flush them down the toilet..........it overflowed right when my wife was getting home:rofl:
Now I might only try it if it becomes legal and if it is job acceptable, maybe.