Why get rid of her?


So today I take a little highway run to some stealerships to look at new jackets and the new model sport bikes. See here: https://www.hayabusa.org/forum/general-bike-related-topics/94795-i-couldnt-get-her-over-50-today.html

Anyway, try some jackets, but none of them feel any better or lighter than my Icon. So, I’m done w/ jackets.

Then I start sitting on some of the models (bikes) :rofl:. I guess because of my size, the new ZX-10 felt awesome! I could see me rippin' the twisties on this thing. But then I say, why? Nothing beats the way the Busa feels. Yeah, it might be a little heavy and long, but when you learn how to master that, it’s such a beautiful all-round bike.

As some of you may know, I’m off to live in ABQ in the next few weeks. I heard they have some desert there :rofl:, so I can see myself scooping up a nice dirt bike. But the Busa…she stays! :thumbsup:
im here to tell ya we have both the busa and new zx10, we just got off them ridding them throught the canyons of the black hills , and although we love the 10 id never ever give my busa up for it. Granted neither of us are great in the twisties but i went just as fast through the corners as mike did on his 10.
Yes Albquerque does, and if you're like me, a trip along long miles of spectacular open-territory will become more than an occasional thing Brother.... :oldcool: That's where I find all these great, long, no-traffic zones to push the needle. Then again, just rolling through the desert at norml speeds and some good music is an escape unto itself....email me when you arrive and get settled. I'll meet you some where in the middle. :super:
While you are in ABQ hook up with Wag. He can show you the nice roads. :beerchug:
Glad you're bringing the Busa!

We'll definitely have to get together with Spudley and some of the other local Busa ho's and hit some of the roads out there. You'll love it, I'm sure!
