where is Oil galleries on gen 2


Having trouble finding the oil galleries on my 08 busa to run my turbo oil feed. I have looked at many pics of set ups but when I look I douse not look the same. I even looked at the downloaded manual I have but the pics are not that clear. Maybe I am looking to low, I am looking around the oil pan should I be looking higher?

Another question is It is very cold here in Minnesota and I want to get the install done but don't want to drain the oil pan and leave empty till riding season to be tuned wont I get frost in the engine at least that is what I was told. Don't want to put in new oil this soon it is to early and will sit for at least 2 months or so. So I was thinking of draining and installing the oil return line and putting the old oil back in till wormer days then I will change the oil with new full synthetic and take to be tuned, douse it make sense to do that.