Yeah I am thinking Red/Orange/yellow chameleon, color shifting just barely there flames would be cool as hell...
Or Maybe Chromillusion, Blue, Purple, gold, shifting ghosted...Either Flames or maybe even a tribal theme. Just ghosted...
Only prob there Rev is that goin' with those colors aint' really an option if you want true ghost graphix (flames, tribal, etc...). You end up with mixed, muddy colors instead of the colors you start with (ie; red/orange/yellow).
There are two main ways of gettin' ghost graphics:
1) Tint yer main color a shade or two lighter and paint on the graphics.
2) Lay pearl coats over the main color for the graphics.
Using other colors over yer main color gives you an end results of mixing the base color and the graphix color. So, sprayin' thin red candy over yer main color for ghost graphix will give you graphix that are whatever color you'd get mixin' the two. For example, if the 40th orange and red candy mixed together made brown (just an example) you'd end up with a 40th orange bike with brown graphics, not red ghost graphics.
You would basically be lookin' at the main color through the candy, which is like wearin the proverbial rose colored glasses. The natural colors you see through 'em just turn into muddied up tones of rose. Make sense?
The Chromillusion, or flip flop paints on the other hand require full coverage to get the full effect of the flip flop. If you diluted it with basecoat binder (it's prolly possible) to get it to spray thin enough to ghost you'd likely lose a LOT of the effect, therefore wasting a LOT of yer hard earned $$. That stuff isn't cheap!

You'd prolly get a better effect for a ton less moola by mixin' a few different colored pearls together for yer graphix.
Or, you could always go with different colored pearls and fade them into each other in yer yer ghost graphics like you would the same colors in solid graphix, ie; red to orange to yellow flames = red pearl faded to orange pearl to yellow pearl in yer ghost flames. That could be schweeet if done right and with the right colored pearls!