What is the best bike Ever

what is "best".

CB 750 - is the bike that created motrcycling, it was both the fastest,most reliable and most versatile bike at its time. it also forced kawasaki and suzuki to build thier thier bike 4 strokes(even though at the time the 2 strokes were faster). not only did it create the modernsport bike market but they also created the touring bike, which was iriginally just a CB with a vetter fairing and saddlebags

'86 GSXR 750 - created the race replica, and was the first race-bike that was sold to the public. revolutionized the motorcycle world with an aluminum frame and its light weight.

what do mean by best bike?
I have two uncles that dragged a couple of old school kawis (z1r900&kz1000) man did those things sound good! Not as good as my busa, sorry I had to say that though.:thumbsup:
If you are simply talking about bikes that impacted motorcycling there are a few that come to mind. Hard to Argue with the CB 750 for starting the modern streetbike era. But if you go back a bit It is even harder to argue with the performance of the old Vincents. The Black Shadow was the Hayabusa of its day. If you want to talk about bikes that got people into motorcycling you gotta look at the good old Honda trail 90. I learned to ride on my dads lap of an old trail 90 at the ripe old age of three and will remember it always. If you want to talk about unfulfilled promises in motorcycling you have to look no further than the Britten V1000. John Brittens ultimate impact on motorcycling will unfortunately go unanswered. But what his bike achieved in his lifetime was startling. Another I would truly have loved to see come to fruition was the Norton 952/961 Commando renaissance in Oregon. Kenny Dreer's dream seems to have run aground though and we may never know what could have been.
Not the best bike ever, but being my 1st new street ride I loved her. :thumbsup:

Plus it was plenty fast enough for an 18 year old.:whistle:

1983 Yamaha Seca 650 Turbo.

The best bike ever is the question in the answer is probably under ur a** right now:laugh:
But if its a flash back I had a love for kawasaki Z1R back in the 70's struts/ stretched rode like crap but dam they were fun drag bikes. The slingshots 750 brought me to Suzuki and now I own the greatest bike ever built...:laugh:
Lots of good bikes there ,everyone seems to have cut their teeth on some good machinery , What is amazing is that we must all be of roughly the same vintage having started on some of the earlier models and come through the ranks , one good thing about it is that they all gave us memories to keep and cherish no matter how bad or how good they were. the owrst bike i ever owned was a bennelli 250 hated water , hated anything to do with long trips and rusted like tin boat on the beach , BUT!!!! I still love it . :beerchug: