DTM, I know that it isn't/wouldn't be hard to run the 'Busa up to it's limits on a five mile strait (I know I look a little slow but trust me I'm not ). But your bike only has/had 1400 miles - and you claim to have run it up to 186 several times. In my conservative thinking thats a little hard. My used "01 'Busa had 5003 miles on it when I got it and I've only had it up to about 130 mph or so(as indicated by the speedo). There aren't enough open decent roads here in Michigan to do much more(maybe 150 or so, once, just to say that you been that fast), but running it like can and will take its toll (either mechanically, or if you crash - your ass). My whole problem with with your story(or anyone else who does the same) is if you are going to ride the 'Busa like you stole it, hard, fast & furious, take some responsibility for your actions. If you ride wild & wipe out and crash, don't post poor me, I'm hurt. Or, if your running it to the rev limiter everytime that you ride and something lets go , realize that you did at least have just a little to do with it. Not taking a jab at ya DTM, just adding my .02. I hope you do stick around on the board, and hear what happens with your bike.
Pit Bull