United 93


Donating Member
Just saw the movie UNITED 93.

Let me first state I am the LAST person to go see historical / documentary type of movies since I firmly believe we see enough evil and bad things happen in the world in our everyday life. Why pay money to witness it firsthand and "relive" experience? I prefer fictional, fun movies. BUT, my mother had no one to go with since Dad didn't want to go - so, I did the nice son deal and went with her.

It was very well done.

Yes, I had tears in my eyes at the end, even though I had read that what had transpired on the plane was simply speculation for the movie sake. It was still really good. A good part of the movie showed the air traffic controllers dealing with the situation, as well as some limited military commands [not the planes flying but orders given and status from a control room]

What those people went through on that plane, permenantly altered they way mankind chooses to deal with his destiny - in a good way.

I will not recommend the movie if you are squeemish of reliving the event - I didn't enjoy that part, but you really SHOULDN'T "enjoy" it. But if you kinda wanna know what went on from the controllers perspective and some of the decision makers as well as what may have happened on that plane, it's worth seeing.

Another good point for the movie is lack of Celebraty actors. Movies seem more real when you don't have the same 6 famous people in all of them. These were almost ALL unknowns, and they 'acted' better and kept your focus on the plot action, not "who divorced who in Hollyweird this week".

And with this movie, I'm done paying money to watch the horrors of mankind replayed. If I want to see the crappy world, I'll tune in the news. I haven't for a few years now and there are many benefits, and ZERO drawbacks to doing that.

I was working at the cinema Sat nite and got to catch spots of the movie...

It was devasting the torment that those people suffered...

Hero's were abundant...

A must see even for those that think they are weak...
I watched it tonight. I have had a queasy feeling about seeing it, but knew I had to. The actual violence is handled in a classy way, not being used for any shock value or gratuitous purposes. It's actually less than what you'd see on any prime-time TV show. The intensity instead comes from the compelling story, the bond the viewer develops with the characters, and the empathy felt for each of them as the film delves into their individual relationships. I was very moved by the film, and glad I took the time to see it. I recommend it to all as a reminder of the evil that exists in the world and the importance of not letting down our guard or becoming complacent to events around us. God bless the families of all those who lost their lives on 9/11.
Just watched the movie tonight, wow I'm impressed with that movie.

I definately think it adds to its credibility that they used people to portray themselves. Air Traffic Controllers, other FAA officials, and military personnel all played themselves in the movie.

I honestly think that movie should be shown in school as a reminder as to what can happen. America can't afford to let its guard down, ever again...