Twist of the Wrist


Rick Rollin'
So I go off for my normal saturday runs, haircut, food etc. and I get off base and look in front and see a haze of pouring rain. I decide to turn around and go back. I get back on base and re-think to myself how bad I want to go to Barnes and Noble to get Keith Codes twist of the wrist books. I get to meet him Tues so I figure it would be sweet to get his books signed since I have been wanting to get the books anyway. So I decide to turn around and brave what I though was a little rain storm that wouldnt be too bad. I get off base and it hits pretty quick and Im soaked head, jacket, shirt, jeans, boots and socks all in about 3 minutes. Puddles on the road and barel being able to see cause of the rain. Close lightning strike. None of it really bothered me cause I am a seasoned rain rider (Florida :laugh:). Then I get to Barnes and Noble and they didn't even have the books! So i returned a failure and soaked after all that rain. :banghead: Now to dry out all of my gear cause they are soaked and clean the bike tomorrow...

Update: I just called Books a million and they have them both so I have them on hold and will pick them up tomorrow :cheerleader:.

Read the SECOND book FIRST, THEN read the first book. It will make more sense. The first book is more about racing and learning to race; the second book was more for riders wanting to learn and understand the physics of a motorcycle. The DVD's not bad, either.

Lastly, I've got them both on .pdf...........
Read the SECOND book FIRST, THEN read the first book. It will make more sense. The first book is more about racing and learning to race; the second book was more for riders wanting to learn and understand the physics of a motorcycle. The DVD's not bad, either.

Lastly, I've got them both on .pdf...........
Care to share a copy of those PDF's? I had hard copies of both and lent them to a friend a never to be heard of again.:whistle:

Being a FLA. summer rider, I always carry a few zip lock bags in the tank bag and hump. Ya never know.
Oh and I forgot to mention that. Another WIN for my tank bag. The waterproof cover Nelson Rigg supplies with each bag worked FLAWLESSLY :thumbsup:

Really!?!? You mean that cheapo, crappy, inferior China made knock off?

JK Russ. It's a little quiet here today.
Read the SECOND book FIRST, THEN read the first book. It will make more sense. The first book is more about racing and learning to race; the second book was more for riders wanting to learn and understand the physics of a motorcycle. The DVD's not bad, either.

Lastly, I've got them both on .pdf...........

Yeah, Pete Castanik, one of the CSS guys, told me thats how I should read them also :thumbsup:. I guess Keith is currently revising one of the books? I forget which one but that is also what Pete said.

Really!?!? You mean that cheapo, crappy, inferior China made knock off?

JK Russ. It's a little quiet here today.

Nelson Rigg makes some good stuff :beerchug: Must be from China :thumbsup:
Hate to tell you....but you didn’t end up a started out that way. Hahahaha I kid, I kid. And that’s my time folks; I can see the red light coming on. :rofl: