Trailer updated..


Some know that I was graciously donated a trailer from a friend of mine due to helping him and hooked up with a better deal on a 6x12. Well, I have done some work to since then. I have moved the chock back more to make more room in the front to do things. I have added some diamond plate to the floor (floor got really slippery when wet) and bought a shelving system from lowes and cut little off the top to make it fit. How do you think it looks?
Before and After...

Future Idea:
Solar Panel for the roof to run lights and power tool..
(Found a kit a harbor frieght doing research now about)







That is one pretty trailer!

I was never able to keep them that pretty at the races (just way too much traffic and use).. Diamond plate for anti slip will leave you a bit disappointed I fear.. there are some products that work a lot better (rubber mats to 3M friction tapes like the stuff used on aircraft wings for steps)

There are some really nice door racks (from $ to $$$) to hold towels, chemicals and spraycans... after having them on all of my race trailers.. would never be without.. (might have to move the mirror) :laugh:

Now get a pitbull rear axle system and you have a strap free hauler :)
Very clean. Bogus is right about the stainless. When it gets wet it's very slippery.

Also, I'm concerned about the shelf. You really should secure it to the front wall with plumbers tape or something else. In case of an accident/hard braking/hard acceleration it could pop loose and fall onto the bike. Having it secured to the wall is cheap insurance.
Looks great! :thumbsup:

Ditto on the diamond plate comment from Mr Bogus.
That stuff is plenty slippery too, esp. if a little wet.
I like the tribal exterior put "Harley-Hauler" on the side and no one will bother you.... :oldcool:
Very clean. Bogus is right about the stainless. When it gets wet it's very slippery.

Also, I'm concerned about the shelf. You really should secure it to the front wall with plumbers tape or something else. In case of an accident/hard braking/hard acceleration it could pop loose and fall onto the bike. Having it secured to the wall is cheap insurance.

The shelf actaully has the screw ends at the top and bottom. You screw them out to kinda wedge itself between the ceiling and floor. I took it for a ride after installed and placed misc boxes on it to simulate weight and it held nicely. Re-check the ends and they were still tight... Yes found out about the wet stainless this morning. Jacksonville, N.C has been plaqued with scattered thunderstorms for the last week. I will be adding a then layer of grip tape soon to it for security. Thanks for the advice. Oh yea why would I have to move the mirror. It sits fine and the door still secure. Double sided 3m tape worked out that one.