StreetShark's Hayabusa

Hardware is done and it looks awesome

All of your stuff looks great. I’ll be getting a kickstand bracket for sure.

How much are the gas tank brackets going to cost?

Thanks! I don’t have pricing locked in yet on these parts. Prototype will be tested this week and if I’m satisfied I’ll have pricing information. If not and I gotta go back to the drawing board he numbers could change. Hopefully it’ll be ready soon!
Not afraid of too much of an air blast?
I’m attempting to force the max amount of air possible into the air box. May try out an air box spacer in addition to the extra inlet and large tubes. We’ll see what happens. If it doesn’t work, im out my time and like $100.

Trying to see if there is any ram air/power gains up top, and if the design positively or negatively affects aero.
I'm sorry to hear that.
I think that you have good ideas and make nice parts.
I'm very happy with my passenger seat key delete.
A friend of mine whose gsxr I keep started describing that part to me on saturday, to which I pointed to it on mine, lol.
I 'm off to your site now to order him one for his bike.
I wish you well in your future ventures.