Ok !!..I have this " Dad Blurn Problem ", now here's my history " Do u have pen and paper ready ?!" Been down once!..used insurance to fix & trick out my baby. 1st time it happened after I got it back from the shop, thier solution PC,fuel pump and filters, plus heat wrap, did it "NoGo", just got it back from anothor shop that maped it, another tune up, and cleanned K&N filter " Keep N mind, this is the second tune up since I got it back this year, havent put no more then 500km on it at most. I have a D&D full exhaust, which someone told me is the wrong or too small of an exhaust for the bike, thus its not getting the correct compression.Im wondering about, I havent seen anyone esle with one, most have Yosh, or others. So im doing research as I write this, to see if he indeed gave me the wrong pipe for the bike, thus creating all this problem i'm having, besides the time and money I lost because of his mistake! They also installed a new clutch basket, and Muzzy fan. The problem only happens after its warmed up, the fan comes on, it doesnt read exceptionaly hot, sits at half. Seems to be warmer then usual to me, and takes more time to cool down then other bikes. This heat is on the right side of the bike. It first hesitates, then cuts off, and if im lucky I can restart it a few times to get back home. If not, I have to wait at leat 30 min for it to cool, then its A Go ! If anyone can shed some light on this, before I jump on my mechanic, Please do...Sincerely.P'd off 2 the highest point of P tivity !..