
<span style='color:red'><span style='font-size:17pt;line-height:100%'>GREAT STORY</span></span>

Killer bikes



Awwww. Thanks to you all!
Glad to spread the good Christmas cheer everywhere; I consider myself to be extremely fortunate. I have a wife who loves bikes. Who loves to ride her own bike. Who isn't afraid to try new stuff. I live in one of the few places on the planet where you can generally ride year 'round. We both have gainful employment to allow a lifestyle which includes a great many such things. We can drop everything at a moment's notice and go do it.

There's just simply more to be glad of than I can say.

You guys reminded of it all just now and you frequently do on this board. If I ever seem like I'm taking any of it for granted, just reach out and slap the crap outta me and tell me to straighten up!

You know the nice thing about it when you feel the need to go WOT you look back instead of seeing a dot of her on the gs500, she is gonna be right there with a big grin on her face.
Congrats to you and the Mrs.

That's really cool that your wife loves to ride. My wife is "can we roll up the windows and turn on the air"!

Anyway be safe out there

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Congrats to your wife (and you)...

Beautiful bikes!!! I love that red...
NICE!!!!!! Congrats on your new addition to the stable...So you did ended up getting it... I can see it now, Ms Wag carving up the canyons
.... So, this brings me to this question, When are we riding again?
Congrats to your wife and to you! It will be a great way for the 2 of you to bring in the new year.
You know the nice thing about it when you feel the need to go WOT you look back instead of seeing a dot of her on the gs500, she is gonna be right there with a big grin on her face.
Yeah, she's already said, "It's going to be nice to not have to see you a mile down the road while I'm still halfway down the on-ramp!

And the grin? I don't think it'll ever come off!

NICE!!!!!! Congrats on your new addition to the stable...So you did ended up getting it... I can see it now, Ms Wag carving up the canyons
.... So, this brings me to this question, When are we riding again?
You know us: We'll go riding at the drop of a hat. Any time!

Canyon carving? That's likely going to be a while, for the record. We were doing throttle control drills on the freeway last night but we need to do many many more, especially low and medium speed drills.

Gonna be fun!

Those are some beautifully paired bikes and the story is great. I could only wish that my wife was even interested in bikes.
That is way cool. I am happy for you guys for all the reasons you're happy: Great wife, great relationship, great bikes!