Soon to be nationwide helmet law

Good, they need to pass a law like that. I dont care how many years you have been riding, or how many miles you have under your belt, you never know when that deer is gonna pop out or that car is just gonna merge "without" seeing you.
I always said that when I got my bike I would NEVER wear a helmet ! Funny thing is I started with it, and when I decided not to put one on because I was only going a little way away, I maybe went a half mile, and went back to get it !! I use to say it should be up to the rider, but I bet there's a few moms out there that wish thier babbies were made to put one on ?
dont you feel that should be your decision
99.9% of the time i wear a helmet
hell i have a few helmets
but i dont feel i should have to be told if i want to wear one or not
here in corupecticut we are allowed to make that decision ourselves
at least for a little while longer
Wait until your best friend goes into a High Speed wobble, like my friend did in the Badlands of South Dakota and there's no one around to help you for miles!!!!!!!!!!! You will feel different about everything short pants, no gloves , and no helmet thoughts will parrish! Good Law!
It should be mandatory.

In CT, there is no helmet law for motorcycles... But helmets are mandatory for BICYCLES. Go figure....
I never leave home without full gear...but I don't like the Federal Government telling States what they have to do
I will agree that helmets 9 times out of 10 will save your life in an accident....but it should be our choice. If I choose to ride a Bike...I should have the choice to wear a lid. I wear my lid everytime now..When I had my Harley I only wore a helmet when I was on the HIghway, or I was in a state that required it......but here in KS we have the choice....and I think we should keep that choice. Just my .02
Its Unconstitutional. I will always wear a helmet. I have HD friends that don't; unless they ride w/ me. It is NOT for the Fed Gov't to dictate.
seatbelts used to be optional too. I don't like wearing a helmet, but if I am going to ride fast on roads where i don't know how others will act...well being defensive also means protective equipment. Hard to ride with no head. Besides, in the military, regardless of what state or country you're have to wear a helmet.
Riding a bike with no helmet is dangerous proposition, therefore, the government mandates our own safety for us. I feel everyone should choose to wear all the gear everytime they ride.

My fear in all of this is ..... How long before the government entities decide riding a motorcycle is dangerous and, therefore, decide to mandate a law that riding a motorcycle is forbidden.
... now that everyone has finally stopped whining about the SEAT BELT LAW!

Only reason HAS TO BE money, like everything else: cost of insurance claims from un-helmeted accidents, deaths, hospital bills... and you KNOW our insurance won't suddenly drop even as their claims costs drop

You personal and constitutional rights go bye bye when large corporate dollars are involved
Its been law in South Africa for the past 35 years. It's a good thing, I can understand the Harley guys objecting, but then they are no faster than a bicycle.
(kennym4 @ Sep. 12 2007,02:41) I always said that when I got my bike I would NEVER wear a helmet ! Funny thing is I started with it, and when I decided not to put one on because I was only going a little way away, I maybe went a half mile, and went back to get it !! I use to say it should be up to the rider, but I bet there's a few moms out there that wish thier babbies were made to put one on ?
Don't you have to have a helmet WITH you in DE?
I grew up in a Harley family and ABATE always said "let those who ride decide".... but now that I am riding myself... I say "let those who pay the insurance decide"... motorcycle insurance rates in Mississippi have almost tripled in the past 5 years due to SQUIDS.... I wear my helmet... it's a great accessory.....(plus it keeps my hair looking good

Plus your skull doesn't have a chance against pavement even at 20 mph