scorpio 900 muted siren


Some here may remember the bs I went thru a few weeks ago when my alarm was installed incorrectly and the ensuing monthlong nightmare...
Its been fine for about a month or so.

Well last night I set it off, the siren is not nearly as loud as it was.
It sounds kinda like there's a cell phone under the seat with a funky ring.
The remote still works
Ok though.
This would be the 2nd trip back to scorpio but I'm not taking the chance of doing w/o an alarm for a couple weeks.
Just can't win
Posted via Mobile Device
Make sure nothing blocks the opening in the alarm where the sound is coming from. Try removing the hump/pass. seat, pull the unit up if it's burred inside and try to activate alamr again (press panic button), and see if it sounds loud enough. If it doesn't - then you def got a problem.