Riding buddy gets nailed by Semi

Holy crap! That is very strange looking. But probably what saved him.

Wishing a speedy recovery... :beerchug:
Crazee crazee crazee...That could have turned out so much worse!
WOW , hope he's doing well. I have this crazy habit of placing my bike near the center line at lights and out slightly if possible from the vehicle in front, and yes I watch those mirrors.
That's terrible! I've been hit from the backside on a bike, but not from a truck. It appears he truly got off lucky, but very glad for that! :bowdown:
i was rear ended in 2007 by an fzr 600 ....my paint still needs help...and that guy now rides knowhere near the busa...
hope your friend is ok....doesnt even look like the side got rashed
Oh Lordy! What a close call! If I were him, I'd buy a lottery ticket this week.
Wow... Glad to hear he's gonna be alright. Always check your 6.
wow and to think some guys ride without mirrors? glad he survived that one.. pretty darn lucky
Lot of good they did him huh? As long as your neck and throttle work you don't need mirrors. Only thing they ever gave me was a great view of my elbows.

Glad he will recover, God was watching out for him!