pingin Cappy


Hayabusa Master
Donating Member
I was wondering how your neice was doin. Havent heard any updates as of late and I wanted you to know that I havent forgoten about her. I was hopin that you could let us know how she was doin as well as the rest of your family.

Just a inquiring mind.

and me...
Sorry all didnt see this one..... Well here we go, Lindsay is progressing slowly but she is making advances. Lindsay still cant speak or walk but we know that she is mentally in her broken shell. Lindsays dad is the childrens church pastor at their church and both of my neices were teachers in childrens church and there was a little boy that was deaf. The girls learned sign language so they could communicate with him.. They became fluent in sign language and then the accident happenned. God has blessed us with the fact that Lindsays latest accomplishment is that she can sign to us, she can read we have tested her, she can count, add, subtract and spell out things to us using sign language, without the ability to communicate I dont know what we would do. She still has a sense of humor and she smiles when I spell somthing wrong or I make a stupid mistake in sign language. The other day I held my hand up and told her to watch that I had been practicing my sign and I spelled out D-O-U-G she smiled and signed the letter F My sister who also knows sign talked to her and let me know that I mixed my hand gestures and I actually signed Uncle F-U-G so now the first thing she does when I walk in the room is sign F-U-G no mercy from this 14 yr old girl.... Her body was broken but she seems to be coping with the situation. She still has a hard time holding her head up and there is some paralysis in her left side but her right side is good. I wan to thank all of you for the support when this all first started, my family is very tight and we all live very close together and it really knocked the wind out my family.. Sometimes just venting to others regardless if they are there in person or typing a message to you is a release and I appreciate all the letters, calls, and email support. I will do a better job keeping you all informed on Lindsays condition. So to close this long drawn out update, Lindsay is at home now, she is still in a wheelchair, my sister and brother in law are the greatest people in the world. They care for Lindsay and if she is going to walk or talk again her mother and father will see it through.......The death of her sister is definately the worst thing that has ever happened to our family, we are so fortunate that Lindsay survived the accident, the doctors gave her a 5% chance of survival and she has come so far that can only dream of where she will be tommorrow.


I am very glad to hear that she is making good progress. That is a miracle with the sign language. Wishing her and your family continued progress during these tough times.

Thanks for the update Cap. You and your family are still in our prayers. Please keep us updated on your neice's recovery. We feel like family here.
Thanks for posting this update for everyone to see. Again, I am very happy to see that Lindsay was able to go home. I think being back in own enviroment is going to be the best thing that could have happened to her.
Cap, Its good to hear that good things are starting to happen for your family. I was starting to worry about your neice, I hadden heard anything in so long I was starting to think the worst. Its good to hear all the posative thats goin on for ya.

Just keep us in the loop.


Hey.. as capt said, she came home not to long ago and is now back in church.  Some pics are up if you guys care to see.  As he said, she's still got her since of humor.. check out the pic.. notice she's pointing too!  

And as he said.. thanks for the prayers everybody!
I had totally forgotten about this Capt. I'm glad that prayers and well-wishers are doing her all the good in the world. I will also pray that she continues to improve.

Hey.. as capt said, she came home not to long ago and is now back in church.  Some pics are up if you guys care to see.  As he said, she's still got her since of humor.. check out the pic.. notice she's pointing too!  

And as he said.. thanks for the prayers everybody!
Thanks for the pics, Dustman.
Hey Captain she looks to be in high spirits. This is going to be the best therapy she could ever get. I am so happy for her.