
Hayabusa Immortal
Donating Member
Okay, I'm in the market for buying a PDA. Who's got one and what are your likes and dislikes?
I am partial to Palms products, however, I prefer MS for the OS... It is tough! And, there are so many to choose from. I guess what I am trying to say is, I dunno.

Being a tech junkie, people are always asking me what they should get. They're shocked when I say I really don't know.. I've never really compared them. Personally I hate microsoft but I am forced to use their products all the time. I don't know whats compatible with what but I know I'll need it to be able to syncronize to MS Outlook.
Being a tech junkie, I am sure you've already search the web for some sites of other tech junkies who've compared all the models outhere, right?
I have had Palm and Handspring. Both are the same. The guy that originally came up with the Palm sold the rights to 3com and then started the Handspring company. The last two I bougt were Handsprings, they were equivilent to the Palm only cheaper.

Once you get one, do a search for palm freeware or pda freeware. You will find tons of free programs to download.....maps, drawing programs, games, babes, etc. :cool:
Being a tech junkie, I am sure you've already search the web for some sites of other tech junkies who've compared all the models outhere, right?
Actually no.. I'm being a lazy bum today and don't feel like it. That and the fact that there are so many out there with so many different opinions. I figured I'd just ask some people I know that have some experience... that usually seems to satisfy other people when they ask me about things.
Being a tech junkie, people are always asking me what they should get.  They're shocked when I say I really don't know.. I've never really compared them.  Personally I hate microsoft but I am forced to use their products all the time.  I don't know whats compatible with what but I know I'll need it to be able to syncronize to MS Outlook.
I hate MS too. But, it is a fact that I have to use their products! ARGH!

Anyway, both MS Win CE and Palm OS will synch with Outlook. And, the freeware and shareware is unbelievable for both OSes. Both are strong platforms with tons of end users backing each one.

I hope I have confised you even more with your decision...

OK, my experiance with PDA's is that the absolute best PDA? Hands down is the one you didn't buy. Huh?! Thats right, don't get one, don't pay for one certainly... If it's given to you cool but most of them (and I am not talking just me) end up in a desk drawer somewhere, batteries dead, neglected and forgotten. Why? Because there is prolly about 30% of PDA owners who really need one, other than that it's a fashion thing. There were all kinds of folks at work who would religiously enter in their schedules, phone numbers, appointments, meetings, etc. They would synch them daily, take them everywhere with them, and never really have any use. It's a new toy for a little while but in the end most of us do not really need one.
They are fidgety, and from what I have seen at Booz Allen and here at this office, they are mostly good for confusing schedules, frustrating owners, and going out of date faster than a PC...

But thats just my experiance. Sony has a couple really cool ones with built in 2mega pixel cameras. The Visor was pretty sweet, as was the Compaq. But I think Palm might still be the way to go.
Well, I agree, a lot of people don't really need them. I however do need one now. I'm a free-lance programer and have to constantly be checking emails, answering tech support questions, looking up numbers.. etc. I'm tired of having to keep the laptop with me everywhere and I just can't store that much in my phone. I've seen a few good cellphone pda's but none of them work very well around here. GSM service sucks in my location right now.
Well in that case check out the Latest offerings, from Sony I canno tremember what they are called but they had some nice features, including a camera for uh stealth use... My bro uses his camera phone all the time at the bookstore and strip clubs, good stuff... :laugh:
Dustman, I have had both sony and palm and visor. I liked the sony the best just because it was my first with a color screen.

Dependin on how much you want to spend look at the new sony. The clam shell one with intergrated blue tooth, wi-fi, camera, memory stick, lots of good stuff but pricey. I think its like 700 or something. But thay do make great stuff. Also look at the compaq. Thay have realy good options too.

Just my thoughts
Buy a Compaq a HP or a Casio: you'll find that they have lots of freeware available to download. It's important to think about this kind of things before wasting your money and find out that too little software is fully functional on your PDA. They can say it's MIPS, or ARM, or whateaver, but believe me that not all programs available work on all PDA models.
My favorite PDA is holding hands, or kissing....  
How'd I know that would come up?

I have a Palm Tungsten T3 and it performs well. I use it daily on the job to keep me on schedule with my many meetings and I use it for personal appointments as well. I haven't really spent much time looking for freeware but I am told they are plentiful. Go to the Office stores and try several out before you buy...
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