thinking of becoming a deputy sherrif

Ive been a cop here in Dayton for over 21 years and I gotta say that there is no way to answer that question without it looking like War and Peace.... In short do I think it was a good career choice? For me, yes. But I have paid a very heavy price for that choice. Maybe too heavy.
Well, I have to agree, I have been a Deputy Sheriff for almost 11 years. I like the good stuff, and hate the bad. I have seen some stuff that I wish I hadn't, and then again I have seen some good things happen as well. I have on numerous occassions had to drive home and hug my kids eventhough they had no idea what I was doing home and why I was needing to see them. You deal with all types of people. Some are good, some are bad, some are confused, and some aren't bad people, they just made a bad decision. You will have to figure out which one is which. If you decide to do it, then be prepared for an emotional roller coaster of sorts. I have had to bury a few good friends that died in the line. I would say most LEOs won't go a whole career without having to do it and it sucks. You will also need to remember that your family is not priviledged to what you see and how you have to act at times. Make yourself leave your work at work and don't take it out on them.
If you are looking to get rich, then don't do it. If you are looking for a job that always presents new challenges and money is not a big issue then it may be for you. Not saying you can't make a living at it, but you will never get rich doing it. All in all, I am glad I do what I do. After 11 years, I learn something new everyday. Good luck.
I did a career with the Los Angeles County Sheriff's Department. It was (besides my family) the best thing I've ever done for myself. I saw the worst and the best, non LEO's simply aren't exposed to what a cop sees and does. Just like combat in wartime, the real stories simply won't get told....sometimes because it hurts, sometimes because it's just too personal and deep. I am so much more of a person because of my background in law enforcement. It's not all about tickets, it's about CPR on a baby, breaking up spousal abuse, helping desparate people. It's a truly noble career and if you're up for it, do it.
I gained great wealth as a big city cop....and it wasn't about money.
been in the thinking for a few years myself just cant take the step to go head and get after it.
Make sure you are able to leave your work at work. Your family may want to know how your day was but there is just some things they are better off not knowing. Of course there are those days you get to help a kid find Mom. I don't know of any cop who doesn't like that part of the job. I think all cops have a soft spot for the kids. Might be why abuse case affect us so much.

Also make sure you can remember, you only deal with about 15% of the population. It is easy to get jaded and for get the majority of the people out there are good.

You might be able to sit in on a class for spouses in law enforcement. My academy had one the day before graduation so all the spouses would be ready for whats to come.
Yes, you can become VERY JADED. I did. Also, unlike TV the single activity you do the most of is paperwork. If you don't like paperwork, then do not become a Police Officer. Paper work has killed off many a fine officer, it killed me off!:laugh:
It can be very rewarding if you have the right intentions. It will have extreme highs and lows. You will be second guessed on decisions you made in the blink of an eye by people who have days and weeks to suggest or tell you what you should have done. God help you when someone video tapes your actions and posts it on you tube and they only show part of the video, the part that makes you and your profession look bad.
It seems like everyone has an opinion and they have never carried a gun/badge, worked holidays, weekends and nights away from their families. They have not and will not ever know what it is like to be the first one at the scene of senseless loss of life and have to bear the burden of telling the family members.
You will be appreciated by the not so vocal majority and criticized by the loud mouth minority.
If you are looking for praise and popularity become a fireman.
If you really truly want to give to your community and state, become a police officer and never forget you are paid to provide service to the community and not yourself or any one person.
It is a very rewarding and noble choice to be a peace officer.
I know this may sound negative, you need to know what you are getting into or you may make the wrong choice. You must find,.. if you have not already, a great woman who will support and stand by you. If she is not your number one fan and loyal friend... your choice will take down a rough road.
You will be given a lot of power, the power to take someone's life or freedom. Never abuse it, always treat people like you would want to be treated if you were in their position. Never forget your goal is to go home at the end of your shift. There are people that are willing to kill you and be killed for their beliefs. You have to be smart and not fail to recognize the warning signs. We have enough murdered police officers on the wall in Washington DC. Before you assume the responsibility ask yourself.... Am I willing to take a life? Am I willing to give my life?..... To protect total strangers.
It is not an easy choice...... most if not all officer's have wrestled with the decision. The bad ones did not.
Well said UncleSteve I could not have said it any better! I started as a Deputy and did that for 4 years. I then made the move to become a City Police officer I now have 27 years in.. I'm thinking of pulling the pin when I hit 30 years... All I can say is its a job that can effect your wife and kids, because they live it with you. They can suffer with stress because they care about you. If you take on the job remember them, listen to them you may have to help them along from time to time. Good luck..
Wow guys, thank you for being so open and honest in all of your responses. Just reading what you have said really makes me think of many things that are easily overlooked and understated. I also want to thank you for your service to us citizens and let you know there are people that look up to you instead of hoping you dont ticket us everytime we see you. I just moved to a house 2 blocks away from a police station and hear sirens all the time, and i realize more often than not they are on their way to do good in the community. I know I have a lot more to think about and I'll have to talk one on one with some for some more advice and make sure my decision is right. Thanks again everyone it really means a lot to me.