Ok I allways get frustrated and/or angry when the Cagers do something stupid especially if it endangers me & my Busa. Any of us care to share stupid mistakes or close calls we have made on our bikes that were our faults?
I'll start, today 1/5/03 about 2:00 pm blasting up my favorite stretch of road, high beam on, I am following 2 cars and they are moving at least 20 mph over the speed limit. After we pass the last side streets before open rural road, this is where I normally start to open the busa up ...I pass the first car ( solid line, but I know this road w/ my eyes closed... ) couple more turns behind the 2nd car... he's speeding up now with me on his tail and I know an open spot is coming up, ( again solid line ... ) when I get to the spot I raise up in the saddle to have a look down the road, speed about 70 + 3rd gear, I dont see any vehicles coming. Whack open the throttle and DAMN! sure enough there is a little sports car that was in a dip when I yanked out to pass... I was commited 1/2 past the other car allready, I'm guessin about 90 mph... kept my cool though open the throttle even more and split the lane right in between both cars.
This probly the most dangerous thing I have done to date. I am kinda surprized this didnt freak me out and have allways thought that if this situation happened the Bike is relatively narrow so just squeeze in between. And thats what I did. Maybe I got the idea from watching that French guy split lanes at 170 mph I dont know. Anyway after reflecting on this it was a dumb move that I skated by and hope I dont do it again. Ride safe my friends.
Any other brave souls wanna share their moments...?
I'll start, today 1/5/03 about 2:00 pm blasting up my favorite stretch of road, high beam on, I am following 2 cars and they are moving at least 20 mph over the speed limit. After we pass the last side streets before open rural road, this is where I normally start to open the busa up ...I pass the first car ( solid line, but I know this road w/ my eyes closed... ) couple more turns behind the 2nd car... he's speeding up now with me on his tail and I know an open spot is coming up, ( again solid line ... ) when I get to the spot I raise up in the saddle to have a look down the road, speed about 70 + 3rd gear, I dont see any vehicles coming. Whack open the throttle and DAMN! sure enough there is a little sports car that was in a dip when I yanked out to pass... I was commited 1/2 past the other car allready, I'm guessin about 90 mph... kept my cool though open the throttle even more and split the lane right in between both cars.
This probly the most dangerous thing I have done to date. I am kinda surprized this didnt freak me out and have allways thought that if this situation happened the Bike is relatively narrow so just squeeze in between. And thats what I did. Maybe I got the idea from watching that French guy split lanes at 170 mph I dont know. Anyway after reflecting on this it was a dumb move that I skated by and hope I dont do it again. Ride safe my friends.
Any other brave souls wanna share their moments...?