At what point does an old person say to themself: "You know, I'm old. I'm just NOT even gonna look both ways anymore. I'm just going to pull out and hope for the best."
Easy on them - you will be there soon. How about the X-er's in the loud trucks or the babes in the little sports cars? They can help it, the old people can't!!! Guess what, in about 10 years us old people will be huge so back off!!!!! Old Power....
</span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td> (hank @ July 22 2002, 20:40)</td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">Easy on them - you will be there soon. How about the X-er's in the loud trucks or the babes in the little sports cars? They can help it, the old people can't!!! Guess what, in about 10 years us old people will be huge so back off!!!!! Old Power....
[/QUOTE]<span id='postcolor'>
totally agree man! cut the OAPS some slack. When u know they are there, keep ya wits about. I know old foggies that still throttle their bikes to insane speeds and we will all get there one day.
I'm with Bosch on this one. How can the state of California give an old person a drivers licence that needs help getting out of a chair and has taken the written test 9 times and the driving test 7 times and FAILED??? If you look its OLD PEOPLE who cause a lot of accidents...they drive 55 in the fast lane...on a 70MPH road out here...they cant see over the steering wheel...
Now I hate the bimbos in fast cars...only cause I dont have a fast car anymore. I dont like the loud trucks unless they are big loud trucks lol.
Hey some oldies are OK. I could not believe my eyes the other day. A brand spanky new Porsche drove up to the gas station while I was pumping into the Busa. Well a guy pops out who had to be at least 80. He could not walk well, but when he took off, he sure could drive well. Hope I can at 85.
Hmmmmm despite popular belief older people are actually involved in less accidents than the younger people, including generation X'ers according to the latest statistics. My problem is the people who are using the cell phone, reading the pape, and going over notes when their eyes should be on the road...... I'ld say most of those are between 20 and 50.. Which happens to be my age group.
People in all age groups can be dumb ass's. I have seen and experienced everything you folks are talkin about except being old... yet. And I've gotten stuck behind and old driver frequently. But I gotta disagree with old people causing most of the accidents. Its well documented 16 - 25 age group is the biggest accident group, sad but true. They have great reaction time, youthful skill ... but they are inexperienced and stupid
Oh think they are invincible! We have alot of those mini hot rod boom box pounding punks around here. They are allways challenging me or tryin to get me to wheelie ... some times I give em a treat.
I'm gonna get hammered for this, but my MOM is a shitty driver, and she's old. She drives like an old person. She doesn't look, she weaves all over the road, etc. I don't like riding with her.
I'm not dogging old people for being old, just for endangering my life.
I always watch out for the older people wearing those big brown glasses, I know they have a problem seeing well and have less peripheral vision. I really hate the teen age girls in the Honda's etc. that zip back and forth changing lanes all over the place and then they have a license plate frame that says, "relax, it was only a lane change".
It's going to suck so bad when I get too old to drive or ride, but that day is going to come someday. So as long as I can drag my walker to the car, I'm going to do it.
I had to be the one to tell my Dad he had to stop driving, that didn't go over very good, he was 80 and a danger on the roads..I knew he was not safe and couldn't live with myself if he hurt some faimly or himself, we still have to go round after round and he still believes he is safe, but I know better...
I think after a certain age we all should have to take a behind the wheel test just to make sure we can keep up with things out there. If you fail so be the roads would be a much safer place to drive. IMO
Jack Lalanne is 95 still driving. I live his lifestyle, I'm 70 and everythings working fine.
Roy Rodgers rode motorcycles in this 80's, but a heart condition made him stop.
Jack Lalanne is 95 still driving. I live his lifestyle, I'm 70 and everythings working fine.
Roy Rodgers rode motorcycles in this 80's, but a heart condition made him stop.
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