So I'm not really new. I wrecked my 06 a couple of weeks ago. The insurance hooked me up pretty fast.. So I went shopping last Friday and today picked up my brand spankin new 2008 Suzuki Hayabusa Blue. OMG I have fallen in love all over again. This thing is simply irresistible. I love it love it love it.. So I actually rode it home from the shop today too. First time back on a bike in 2 weeks. OMG OMG OMG did I miss the ride. I'm thankful that it was about 60 miles to get home. Hit a little rain on the way. It's all good though.. Here are the picks of my new baby and me.. We are truly in love with each....HEHEHEHEHEHE that'd be my truck in the back ground. My roommate drove that home for me. HEHEHEHEHEHE... I LOVE MY NEW BABY MORE THAN WORDS CAN SAY... WE ARE GOING TO GET ALONG JUST GREAT... 

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