Motorcycle blogger wants Hayabusas banned

He's a joke, no one can post a comment unless it is approved by this fool.
We got more oil than Saudi Arabia and we are the largest supplies of oil to the USA. You don't want us turning the taps off over this, do ya....?:poke::rofl:


yeah the guy that wrote that article is a tool... btw i love canada where else can my chicago blackhawks go and beat up on national teams... :laugh:
We still have the "Right to keep and bear arms", and in small print at the bottom of the Bill of Rights it says, and I quote, "The Right to own, and operate GSX1300R Hayabusas"....look it up....really, it's there, I saw it.........those forefathers were really looking out for our us !!!! :super: :super: :super:

The blogger probably went for a ride on the back of a Busa, got off screaming and crying like a little girl, and told his wife she couldn't have one anymore......:moon:
Unfortunately, this blog's responses have to be approved by the writer. I don't see him publishing the truth that we add as riders. We will see though. I just posted my response.
This guy is a WHAK JOB in my opinion.:poke:I say we EXPORT him to the USA* Kenny :laugh:Did you see his profile picture or the link to join his fan club :lol:

I think the profile pic is only there to cover up the fact that he has an 8 pound water head and wears a helmet for other reasons. DEEDEEDEE
He is a person full of crap,dont let his nonsensical comments bother us guys.Let him rot:moon:
I couldn't read the whole thing.. I know now, I'm going to sell my busa and get a 600cc cause death, dangerous driving and endanering the public NEVER happens on a 600 or 750.. what a dumb a$$

Like I tell all my friends, a bike is like a gun... you can kill yourself with a 22mil or a elephant gun it's up to the user/rider.
We got more oil than Saudi Arabia and we are the largest supplies of oil to the USA. You don't want us turning the taps off over this, do ya....?:poke::rofl:


I knew I loved Canada:whistle:

I gave my thumbs down.
We are giving him too much attention.
Not everyone likes everything, and that is his right.
I won't even read his garbage, as he knows nothing if he has anything bad to say about busas.
He's a joke, no one can post a comment unless it is approved by this fool.

Mmmm, lets see, we post a reply and he has to approve it, else it won't show.
How about starting a new blog in Hub Pages about Hal and his problems....

Back in a little bit.:whistle:
I'm confused--at the end of the article it sounds like he's pushing rider training as a means to reduce accidents & injuries. To that I say- HORRAY! The rest of the article is junk--makes no logicial sense what-so-ever! So, in that case--I say--:moon:
I read the "blog" and I can't disagree with his intent. Many AMA members share his concerns and feelings. Basically he is saying that these bikes are too powerful AND too easily available to inexperienced hands. I fully agree. I feel the US should take up the euro testing requirements. That will help put some experience into the newer crowd.