Last dance with Maryjane

Bwah ha ha!!

I grew up with people who got high all the time.. I am very familiar with the subject. more so than most.

1) Any type of drug use more often than not does lead to the use of more powerful substances.

2) getting high is usually something that is fun to do for the people that do it. So people who do it, often do it as much as they can. So while short term memory loss might be the only side affect, it turns into long term memory loss if you are high all the time.

the bottom line is anything that alters a persons personality or through process can be addicting, especially if the person does not like who they are or the situation they are in.

I have found most people who are happy with their lives are normally into health and fitness and enjoy living life as it is given to them and enjoy experiencing it in a sober state so they can remember it.

People that often partake in substances that alter their perception of themselves or others are usually unhappy individuals that feel a need to escape from themselves or their surroundings.

And this isn’t some psycho babble BS that I learned from some school, this is watching friends, relatives live it and seeing what happens to them over the years. and observing the real life results. I am not talking about studies of specific individuals or lab mice.

so even if I could get high. I would stay away from the crap.
I don't care what Ron just said, legalize it LOL

Kidding Ron, just kidding...
(VaBusa @ Oct. 19 2006,11:14) I don't care what Ron just said, legalize it LOL  

Kidding Ron, just kidding...
Thats ok Michelle.. I hope it does become legal.

It will make it easier for me to take over the world!!! MUAH HA HA HA HA!!

Everyone sitting around getting high and eating bags and bags of potato chips!!!! as the crumbs fall on their fat bellies!!! MUAAA HA HA HA
How about this old saying:
" Moderation in all good things "
That is my creed.
Be it Weed, Booze, Triple Digit Busa speed's, or many other vices, there is a long list of things that will come around and bite off your behind before you know it.
The government with it's ultimate wisdom has decided to regulate which ones that we can and can not ,control on our own.
So, Pop a cold one, or fire up your spliff, cause another day has gone by and the people that tell you what is what ,still took there 30 %.
(TIMMYDUCK @ Oct. 19 2006,14:26) How about this old saying:
" Moderation in all good things "
That is my creed.
Be it Weed, Booze, Triple Digit Busa speed's, or many other vices, there is a long list of things that will come around and bite off your behind before you know it.
The government with it's ultimate wisdom has decided to regulate which ones that we can and can not ,control on our own.
So, Pop a cold one, or fire up your spliff, cause another day has gone by and the people that tell you what is what ,still took there 30 %.
Well said.
The good ol days (High School).  Sunday evening with the neighbor smoke a couple of j's and watch Tales from the Crypt, Twilight Zone, and Tales from the Darkside.

My neighbor had trash bags on his walls and foil on his windows and many black light posters.  His Mom hated it.

This guys room was what you would think a typical potheads room would be. it was great.
I always thought Chasing the Dragon was opium not heroin.... i.e. Sherlock Holmes but then didn't Sir Arthur Conan Doyle (sp) write his books in the attic with a cas of Scotch close at hand?
I smoked my first doob at the ripe old age of 12....fug...i "helped" smoke a doob some fellow recuits brother sent him through the mail during USMC basic training at Parris Island...we whisper fought in a smoking circle wether we'd burn it or not...a real dilemma as the recruit who recieved it didn't wanna get his bro toasted yet at the same time?...where the he11 do ya hide a joint at freaking parris island boot camp?
which equalled the scariest night of my life...lay'in in the rack all night like...

meanwhile?...after the corp?...i turned into a full blown party hound...and the beginning of the end strated and ended with coke and was a straight fall from there....some rich babe in NJ fell in love with me was the start of things as i couldn't afford that sort crap any drug that makes ya wanna do it again every 10-15 minutes prolly ain't a good drug to start with...and about $300,000 and 18 months later my life was a shambles as was my fried azz mind...then spent 2 months at a house...then went clean and sober for 15+ doobage....nuth'in at all for 15 years...15 looooooonnnng but good years...time enough to get to know myself and learn the true meaning behind moderation and practice a program of thorough self analysis....modifying personal behavioral habits...and these days?'s a rare occassion that i partake and everything and all the reasons hafta be right before i do...i'll indulge if i'm a little stressed in the evenings and need to put my mind to rest....and i'll even knock a few hard drinks back during special occassions..with friends...but never around the wife, kids or family.

i took enough 12 steps to last me three life times...but it was a great thing when i needed it...back when i was young and wild and yet to learn the true meaning and value of the word..."moderation"...sorta like what some folks need who are addicted to this board!
does that make it a disease?....hello?...A.M.A.?

L8R, Bill.


The key is moderation, as several of you said. I hold a CDL, so no more blazin for me, the risk isn't worh it. I went to college in San Francisco however, it was either smoke pot or be gay, so needless to say, I woke up many mornings stuck on stupid, and there was one memorable evening with a 6 ft Graffix bong.....

One thing that does trouble me however is drug testing. All these people spun up on coke or crank can pass a piss test in 48 hrs, but the potheads are fugged. Doesn't seem fair when it is less harmful.
Moderation is the key to marijane also. It builds up in the system.

Some test have a percent allowed before failing??
THC stays in the brain and the reproductive system forever. You smoke enough of it and you're going to cause permanent effects. (To be fair, the research still conflicts on this second assertion. But it is a known fact that it stays in your body forever.)

It also impairs behavior. People who drive stoned are going to cause a problem.

It also creates emotional and psychological dependancies. All too many people cannot or will not be willing or able to function without it. These same people seem to believe they CAN drive better or operate the warehouse forklift while they are stoned. They are wrong.

Research and personal experience confirm the above.

Still, I'd rather have it legalized but with the same caveat that should be imposed on people who drive with no seat belt, namely, if you fug up your life because of your decision, the gov't and everyone else isn't going to jump in and bail your sorry a$$ out after the fact.
