Last dance with Maryjane

(StuckInBaghdad @ Oct. 17 2006,15:38) Pot is 100% harmless. It has been proven time and time again to have no lasting harmful efects mentaly of physicly.
Hmmm....long term smoking (maryjane) has been proven to kill brain cells, but I bet U dont remember that. I wonder why.
(KROOZER @ Oct. 17 2006,17:18)
(StuckInBaghdad @ Oct. 17 2006,15:38) Pot is 100% harmless. It has been proven time and time again to have no lasting harmful efects mentaly of physicly.
Hmmm....long term smoking (maryjane) has been proven to kill brain cells, but I bet U dont remember that. I wonder why.
There also is Mercury in immunizations and flu shots but the government dont mind giving that out.

The movie "Reefer Madness" comes to mind
(forceofnature @ Oct. 17 2006,18:49) Just like cigarettes I wouldnt bother with it since I have a better use for my money.
+1... Never smoked it, probably never will...
(hondpwr @ Oct. 17 2006,18:15) I wonder how much the Goverment would charge for a ounce?
damn.... "An ounce of pot on the street costs upwards of $300, depending on the quality."

sounds a bit 'high' to me!
(KROOZER @ Oct. 17 2006,20:18)
(StuckInBaghdad @ Oct. 17 2006,15:38) Pot is 100% harmless. It has been proven time and time again to have no lasting harmful efects mentaly of physicly.
Hmmm....long term smoking (maryjane) has been proven to kill brain cells, but I bet U dont remember that. I wonder why.
umm .... short term alcohol abuse can do it to.

but you forgot that one....or just ignored it?

friggin milk will give you cancer if you are exposed to enough concentration of it.

I still do not understand why cigarettes are not at least 10.00/pack with a 50% taxation?
And why aren't bibles 1,000.00/ea.

both of those items appear to equally represent 'gateway drugs' to those persons having little to no strength of will.

spkerhed · Posted on Oct. 17 2006,23:07
the government made it ilegal origanaly to persacute black people[/Quote]

umm...yup..well spoken.

It funny how (this is everywhere) those that "have never" & "will never" try something have become such authorities on matters.

if it's not for you..then that's fine, but do not make policy and pass judgment based on the rhetoric of others.
just walk away.

on the other hand...if you have first hand knowledge of THC addiction and how it has detroyed your family/friends...driven them to bankruptcy, violent crimes, and the worshiping of water stains on a building....
oh...sorry, that's gambling, mean drunken rages and the bad.

the last time somebody high committed a violent act against somebody it was in a srtuggle for the last bag of chips in the their house.

Lets go back just a tad over 100 years and most of today's Controlled substances were legal everyday things.
Chasing the Dragon (Heroin) Winston Churchill's favorite pastime...
Coca (Cola) originally used coca leaf as it's main stimulant rather than caffeine..
Hemp (Cannibis Hemp/ Sativa)was and still is used relatively extensively for manufacturing textiles.
A variety of others were also banned during the political upheavel that resulted from women's suffrage.. Which just happened to allow a bunch of prudish educated conservative religious women to influence American legislation for a long time to come.
Prohibition, the Roaring twenties, Capone, the Kennedy Family's rise to power..
Seagrams, Bacardi, JD, and others all profited from the conditions set in those days.
$200 to $400 over there? Geez...

an ounce is usually about $100 over here...maybe $150-$180 for the hawaiian stuff.

The Palauan stuff usually hits harder, but is more harsh.
(KROOZER @ Oct. 17 2006,17:18)
(StuckInBaghdad @ Oct. 17 2006,15:38) Pot is 100% harmless. It has been proven time and time again to have no lasting harmful efects mentaly of physicly.
Hmmm....long term smoking (maryjane) has been proven to kill brain cells, but I bet U dont remember that. I wonder why.
Your right, It does. But it has also been found that you regenarate brain cells also. Studys have also proven that you can not kill enough brain cells just smoking pot to make any kind of negetive impact on your brain. And some of these test have been carried out over as long as 30yr periods. And as far as the memory loss, it is not perminent, it only effects your short term memory (while you are high), and I can tell you from many years of expereance you might forget where you set your beer down, or what the conversation was about ten minutes ago. But you don't forget anything of any importance, it's not like the comercial when the girl forgets she is babysitting and leaves the house to go get high.

I drink also, and have for a while. I can tell you that alcohol is MUCH more dangerous. You can not smoke so much marijuana that you can't walk or function. And the last thing anyone wants to do while high in fight or be destructive. You are much more likley to just sit around and laugh and have good conversation with friends.

What was I talking about again?
(WWJD @ Oct. 18 2006,17:50) is Elmer's Glue illegal yet?
if they find traces of it around your nostrils I think they give 10 to life but its still ok to eat it
a couple points from my life and eyes...

1. I usta have a rock band in my wild and crazy younger days....we had practice about three nights a week and every friday night was a major party/practice at my place...annnd.....if i had a guy show up with a 6pac and a 1/2 oz of some quality bud? problemo....and it was always the guy who showed with a case in the cooler and a bottle of jack...he was gonna be a problem before the night was out and..

2. I find it odd that the government can sell licenses to establishments that want to sell already heavily taxed alcoholic beverages to their customers who "DROVE THERE".....then hire more LEO's using tax dollars to pay them and all under the guise of..."There's Too Many Drunks On The Road".

and with dickheads like that running this country?'s no wonder why pedophiles get an early release due to "Over-Crowding" while Joe Stoner pulls his whole "zero tolerance" 20 years....meanwhile the rest of the world takes another bong hit and laughs their azzs off at our backazzwards ways.

Drive drunk? on the wrist...molest children?...paroled with therapy counciling....but?...

Fail a pee-pee test at work after smoking a doob in the privacy of your own home and lose your job and ruin your life...or get caught with a couple oz's ya just picked up for your buds?...='s 20 years hard time.....god...are we fugged up or what?

oh yeah...almost forgot...only on occassion and NEVER around my wife and kids.

L8R, Bill.
I dont think marijuana is that bad if it were legal and regulated. I got some that had been stolen (I was unaware) and the previous owner had laced it with pcp. This is not a drug (pcp) to be taken in large amounts, but unaware of it being in it we smoked a few joints. I started to feel bad and began to have seizures. about eight in an hour and then my heart started to fibrulate. The people with me were scared to tell the docters we had smoked weed and when they did the doctors told them weed would not cause this, thats when they found out there was pcp in my system. So 2 lumbar punctures (spinal taps) eeg, ekg ,and a week in the hospital I got to go home. With a bottle of depakote and dilantin. I couldnt add or subtract I was out of work for 3 months couldnt drive for 6 months I get to see the neurogolist every six months and have blood drawn and the occasional eeg. If it were regulated you wouldnt have this happen. As far as a gateway drug its alcohol. Its the legal drug that gets you to the party where the illegal drugs are at. Go ahead and flame me.
How do you regulate it? Like a pack of cigarettes?
It's a PLANT, you can grow it just about anywhere. The govt. won't be able to siphon money from the users cuz they'll grow their own if it's legalized. It will never happen. You can grow yer own tobacco if ya want . You can also make yer own wine / beer if ya want.

I have never used it and doubt that I ever will.
But I have known lots of people over the years who have, and I learned a few things...
One being, I would rather be around someone smoking dope than someone drinking.
I've never, ever seen someone smoking get pissed or start talking shyt, and just being an a$$ in general...
As a rule, they are very relaxed and calm...
On the other hand, I've noticed that the ones who were drinking were prone to cause trouble.
And the more they drank, the more beligerant they would become...
And as for operating a vehicle...
A person who drinks and drives is far more inclined to either cause or somehow be involved in an accident...
Yet someone who has smoked even a large amount of pot, is more inclined to be pulled over for driving to slow...
So, in my humble, and possible, totally misinformed opinion, I think it would be better to make marijuana legal and either outlaw alcohol, or at least, make it a controlled substance...

(guido4512 @ Oct. 19 2006,07:34) Regulate?
How do you regulate it? Like a pack of cigarettes?
It's a PLANT, you can grow it just about anywhere. The govt. won't be able to siphon money from the users cuz they'll grow their own if it's legalized. It will never happen. You can grow yer own tobacco if ya want . You can also make yer own wine / beer if ya want.  
Well you kind of answered you own question. You say if it were legal people would just grow their own and the government would still have no conrtol over it. If that were the case, the cigarette and alcohol comanys would be out of buisness because everyone would just grow/make their own. But they don't, hints why the cigarette/alcohol companys are HUGE and the government makes so much money from them.

It's realy not as easy as you think to grow marijuana worth smoking. Plus it's a lot of work (something us stoners don't care for much
) Most people would much rather just stop by the local 'pot shop' and buy it. And the goverment would make a killing from it!

Yes, I see what yer sayin..........we're lazy.
If I want a bottle of wine do I make my own? All that fermenting and testing........ Naw, just pic it up at the store, open and consume.
(guido4512 @ Oct. 19 2006,10:48) Yes, I see what yer sayin..........we're lazy.
If I want a bottle of wine do I make my own? All that fermenting and testing........ Naw, just pic it up at the store, open and consume.
That's what I'm talking about brother.

(looking for the bong hitting smiley
Legalize it...unless there are major $$$ to be made, it'll never pass, but one can always hope