In&Motion - You will lease everything and be happy..?


Donating Member
Ok is it just me that is getting irked out by this?

Purchase price almost double the amount of the lease price over the warranty period
Not able to change it from Street to Track or Adventure if you do buy it. No updates past 2 years
Have to send the unit back if you want to cancel a subscription plan
Have to keep topping up the account if you want to "suspend' a subscription.
Unit stops working if you don't connect it each month on a monthly plan
Uploads everything you do / have been doing at how fast whenever you connect it.
App that you seem to need for much of the functionality ships with loads of trackers including Huawei..


App seems to get a good amount of bad reviews for flakey implementation as well..

Not sure if you can ride to a track day in Street mode, change to Track mode then, change back to Street to ride home. Or do you need to buy two suits!? Have asked no reply as yet.
Not sure if you can manually update the firmware via USB - doesn't appear to be able to... Looks to be all Wifi / App driven. Have asked about that too..

As further incentive to get people on to a subscription model they are running affiliate coupons where the more people you get on board the cheaper it is for you. So they are in the pyramid as well as you will own nothing game now too..

Bought one of these built into an RST Kangaroos suit and now wondering that the heck I have done! :/
My objection to the 'you will lease everything' business model for items that do not provide unique and new products on a daily basis like weather forecasting or media streaming services ie. subscriptions for 'things' is that it forces those that 'neither a lender nor a borrower be' into a kind of debt and give rent seekers far too much power over us.

After a lot of emails back and forth with In&Motion this is what I have discovered.

If you buy a product with their air bag built in you cannot use it at all, not even in a limited capacity unless you sign up, pay their rent and accept their privacy policy.
When you update the software you cannot opt out of uploading all of your personal data recorded on the In&Box this includes everywhere you have been, how fast and all of your kinetic biometrics. They say that they do not sell your personal data but they do anonymize, repackage and can resell that data to who ever will pay from insurance companies looking to raise premiums for niche road users to traffic planners trying to figure out which nice road to ruin next by lowering the speed limit.
You have to 'sync' (activate, update and upload all of your data) before every anniversary of your lease term (yearly or monthly) or it will simply stop working.
They do provide non smartphone based methods for activating and updating your In&Box, (which is always listening on Bluetooth and WiFi BTW) but these methods are all broken or buggy and there is no manual method to switch between Track, Street and Adventure modes so you are essentially forced to use their app. See the screenshot in the previous post for all of the trackers and data miners built into that!
Support is generally responsive but when you ask them specific questions about their privacy policy they go silent.

Ultimately a very pernicious business model that and I would not recommend supporting no matter how low friction they make it.

This is what I have done to mitigate the impact of some of In&Motion's iniquitous positions and trajectory toward the end of private property.
  • Create your account on their site. Note that you can only use one email per item, so make one up for your item.
  • Use the GrapheneOS on your phone that allows you complete control over all apps on your device including turning off network access to anything you please.
    • Set up a sandboxed user profile for invasive apps.
    • Use a VPN like Orbot if you like.
    • Install the In&Box app there. Do not configure a WiFi network. This gives your In&Box free access to the internet whenever it is in range and turned on.
  • Connect and 'Sync' (activate, update, upload your movements) then remove network permissions from the app. From then on you can control and check your In&Box from the app via Bluetooth including switching between Track and Street modes etc.
  • Take a copy of the In&Box file structure by plugging it in to a PC via USB and save that. It will look something like this:

  • Before you sync for a new update and temporarily re-grant the In&Box app network permissions, take a personal copy of the file structure then delete if from the In&Box and replace it with your previously saved post initial sync files. Now only you have a copy of all of your movements.
I am asking In&Motion if they will provide a method for users to view or stream their own data but In&Motion encrypt it so you cannot view it even on your own device yet they don't use SSL to transport your data over the internet to their servers at so go figure.

All in all if you see a garment with an In&Box built in run, don't walk, run. If after all that you still want to go there you can at least use my referral code to loose 3 months off an annual subscription and help me dig my way out of one bad purchasing decision... PRFJSPZ

Never again..
Ha, I should have posted this in the Politics section :)

In further frustrating news with In&Motion airbag systems, I was told that one of the 'advantages' of a lease model is that when a hardware update is released with any improvements you would get the latest version swapped out free of charge. This is absolutely not true, false advertising, needs to be communicated to the public and distributors. The reality is that if ever the old hardware becomes incompatible with the new software then they will update the hardware. What is worse is that this creates a perverse incentive to not introduce any software features that rely on updated, more capable or faster chipsets.

Additionally, they still do not send email notifications for software updates. This essentially forces you to keep the app online and the airbag connected to your wifi to get any updates, without having to wait half a day for the thing to update when you want to go riding and turn it on. What a nightmare this 2030 'ownership' is only for global 'stakeholders' agenda is. For the masses you get to have no life without this new type of rent seeking debt and entrapment.

In good news I am seeing a bunch of new start ups and FOSS communities on a mission to help citizens 'de-cloud', hack their connected IoT and 'hardware as a service' devices to bring the automation, AI features on-prem and off line while massively bolstering interoperability and smart functionality integration at the same time.

Stay encouraged (and don't buy/lease anything from In&Motion)
I have a leather jacket with their airbag in it. Had it for almost 4 years now. Never an issue. Updates are released every now and then. I check it when cleaning my jacket or while doing other stuff on the computer.
I have no issues with the kit I have. Would I do it again... Hell yes.
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