I would lik your opinions to help me with my business

Tyrone HELP!

I am redoing the fireplace and have a unknown for me...

It was the typical red firebrick.. eeyuk..

I have that all mortared and straight now ready to put a new front on it.. (using a cream colored marble 12x12 tile)

I think I have this pretty much laid out.. but not sure about a couple things...

the area left and right of the actual fireplace are 16" I was thinking I should split the 12" tile to 8" each and keep that same 8" to the hearth..

the width of the entire job is 70" (leaving 38" for center)
the center area is a problem.. do I go with a wider 10.5" cut or do I go with a narrower (and add one more run) at 7.6""

also, total height is 52" so should I cut all tiles to 10.4" and keep them equal in size.. and that leaves the very bottom course of tiles on the outs at 11.5"

THEN finally, there are no "bull nose" tiles, can I just use a belt sander to round the edge of the corner tiles? (soft edge them instead of the sharp cut edge, the hearth has a nice aluminum trim strip i am using)..

hope this sort of makes sense... this stuff is no where as intricate or nice as your stuff but I can sure appreciate what it takes for the type of work you have on your site...




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