I think season is over


Donating Member
Well guys I think and hope that this was the roughest season for me on record. I only got 4,000 on the Busa and it looks like it is over for the year. For a quick recap, last Nov my bike was hit. Got it painted but didn't get the paint back until memorial day. Got the bike on the road 1 June and bought a new house 1 Aug and closed 31 Aug. Moved in 26 Sep after a month of remoldeling. Well last weekend was the 1st weekend were it looked like I would have gas money and time to get out on the Busa and start enjoying this fall weather we have in the North east. Well apparently I should stop day dreaming about riding when I am working with sharp objects. I was finish up some wiring and the knife slipped but my finger didn't. Cut my right index finger all the way to the bone from the first knuckle to the finger nail. Doc said I just missed the tendon by less than a mm, so that was good news, but m hand is going to be stiched and bandaged for the next few weeks and I think are weather is going to go to poop here at the end of Oct. Oh well start saving this years gas money for next springs Busa Bash. Just wanted to share, sorry for short sentences hard to type with bandaged hand. Keep riding guys =)
By the way I got pics but I don't think the would fall into the family freindly cat. It is pretty nasty.
Hmmm... I would like to jump in here and tell you my bad year as well. I bought my 1st Hayabusa in Feb, 2007. On May 6th, got rearended by uninsured driver that was more worried about their cell phone call than the responsibility of driving her mini van. Total out the hayabusa and this accident tore the ACL of my left knee. On May 15th, had surgery repaired left ACL. In september, taking my endoresement course with OHIO's bikes that they give you to ride, had a accident during the rain on this course and tore the right ACL of the right knee. Had surgery October 2nd and still recovering. Yesterday they took my staples out, however, I am already riding my Busa. This has been the "most" terrible year for me of all time. I am so sick of pain, hospitals, and doctor appointments. I am looking forward to next year. So trust me, you aren't the only one. Considering my bad luck as oppossed to yours, be thankful.
Hope you heal before the spring. Spring Bash is a good recovery in itself
hope you both recover quickly and we see you in the Spring
To bad your not still down here on the Gulf Coast my man...

Heal up and we'll see ya at the Bash!
Thoughts go out for a quick recovery. I don't know how you guys can manage to lock up your Busa up for the winter. I get this major itch in my a$$ if my Busa sits in the garage for more than a week. Man am I glad I live here in Socal.
Sounds like a bad year for both of you. Better luck in the future and wish you a speedy recovery. Just keep your heads up, things will get better.
Sorry to hear of your accident. I'm still out of comission since my accident the firt part of Sept. My bike is ready to go now but I'm not, so I can relate. Hope you heal up soon and are able to get some riding in before the weather turns. See you in the spring at the bash, take care.
This year has been bad !! We lost alot of fellow riders this summer. Hope you guys have a speedy recovery !!!
Thanks guys, mvanlone said it best that even with all the headaches I am still blessed. Now I just need to milk this injury into a new busa from the wife. Oh hunny I hurt so bad......you know what would make me feel better......Let's go to suzuki.
look at the bright side you missed the tendon... Plus they are calling for one of the mildest winters in a while... You will heal quick and be on the bike this season... Just keep saying and thinking that.
look at the bright side you missed the tendon... Plus they are calling for one of the mildest winters in a while... You will heal quick and be on the bike this season... Just keep saying and thinking that.
I hope you are right about the winter this year. I prefer to drive my bike over the car any day. Except when it is raining. Even though I had some bad luck this year, it really turned to good luck. When I got rearended on my bike which is a negative, I got some blood money and bought me a new busa for myself and a new katana for my wife (her first bike) and got her to ride now. It is nice the few times we rode together +No bike payments.