Ah Wednesday, and it's not only a graet morning for riding, it's my day off! I decide to go for a spin around Smithville Lake a few miles north of me. I'm rolling along, looking at the boats launching from the ramps, and the sunrise, just cruising. I approach a field with several cows chewing away, and three cows move to the fence as I come by. All three follow me with there head as I pass by, then as I glance back ,they move away and do this little spin and hop movement as though they are excited. It was really funny. I stop at the little store down the road for a drink and decide to head back the same way. I pass the same field, same cows, same thing happens. I'm laughing as I pull into the marina parking lot for a smoke brake. I'm thinking to myself did this really just happen? I finish up my smoke and head out. You guessed it, had to try it one more time, same result!! Goes to show you, cows do have a thing for the busa. LOL