Some of you have been keeping up with my guage cluster issue.
I started the removal yesterday. Step 1. Get anti theft code for stereo,audi stereo's can stop working even if you just disconnect the battery.???
Online removal instuctions say go to your manual,it(code) will be listed there. Nope,torn out by previous paranoid owner. Who would want to steal a stock audi deck.
Step 2. No code in book,call dealership....Oh good god.:down: On line instructions say dealer will provide free,just need vin #. Call dealer,no they say,we need vin,proof of I.D. and serial number from stereo. Can you hear Rubb start to boil.
OK,fine I'll take out that POS stereo(came with cassette) LOL and 6 disc changer. Dealer wants 2 hrs labour to remove. 2hrs? I get out my removal sticks,do they work...nope.
Why? Because the keys I have used for 20+ years are useless here. I need special audi keys. Keys that apparantly even in the hands of a skilled audi tech may still not work. If you break the inside tabs,yer screwed. And audi has done this before.Then the have to use the caveman approach for removal and buy you a new deck.
I will hit my buddy's stereo shop today,borrow the keys,and tempt fate.
If that fails,House Mouse gets a new stereo...perhaps one even a little more modern,one that even has a CD player.
Pics to follow...stereo in hand, or...hammer in hand. hehehehe.
Everyone,please take a knee and pray for me.
lease: LOL.
Rubbah-MALLET. NOt one,but two different keys needed,one for each side.

I started the removal yesterday. Step 1. Get anti theft code for stereo,audi stereo's can stop working even if you just disconnect the battery.???
Online removal instuctions say go to your manual,it(code) will be listed there. Nope,torn out by previous paranoid owner. Who would want to steal a stock audi deck.

Why? Because the keys I have used for 20+ years are useless here. I need special audi keys. Keys that apparantly even in the hands of a skilled audi tech may still not work. If you break the inside tabs,yer screwed. And audi has done this before.Then the have to use the caveman approach for removal and buy you a new deck.

I will hit my buddy's stereo shop today,borrow the keys,and tempt fate.
If that fails,House Mouse gets a new stereo...perhaps one even a little more modern,one that even has a CD player.

Pics to follow...stereo in hand, or...hammer in hand. hehehehe.
Everyone,please take a knee and pray for me.

Rubbah-MALLET. NOt one,but two different keys needed,one for each side.