I HATE a Thief

(BusaSamurai @ Mar. 08 2007,19:39)
(Ruben @ Mar. 08 2007,11:45) Just find out where he lives.  

I'd destroy and vandalize that F350.  Make him pay 10 fold....  Destroy his belongings because sometimes we must Stand Tall and take the law in our own hands.  Who says the law has to be the "Legal System" we have in place.  

I hate thieves even more.  Death is what they deserve.    
Id say 4 slashed tire would be about even to me .
if it's an F350, it's probably 6 tires instead of 4. But, it's still a good trade.

At this point IF they catch this guy and get a confession the only thing you have is simple B&E. Fingerprints on the screwdriver probably won't show up or be conclusive. Misdemeanor since the value / damage is under $300. That means the Court system will get $250 in fines and you'll get the bill for fixing the latch assy and replacing the lock. He'll get a "sern talking"from the judge. The good news is that his name and address will be found on the police report and that is a matter of public record. The case number and $1. is all you'll need to get a copy of the police report. It may be free if you say you need a copy for insurance purposes ;)
(MoosesBusa @ Mar. 08 2007,21:19) At this point IF they catch this guy and get a confession the only thing you have is simple B&E. Fingerprints on the screwdriver probably won't show up or be conclusive. Misdemeanor since the value / damage is under $300. That means the Court system will get $250 in fines and you'll get the bill for fixing the latch assy and replacing the lock. He'll get a "sern talking"from the judge. The good news is that his name and address will be found on the police report and that is a matter of public record. The case number and $1. is all you'll need to get a copy of the police report. It may be free if you say you need a copy for insurance purposes ;)
Great info MB!
(MoosesBusa @ Mar. 08 2007,21:19) At this point IF they catch this guy and get a confession the only thing you have is simple B&E. Fingerprints on the screwdriver probably won't show up or be conclusive. Misdemeanor since the value / damage is under $300. That means the Court system will get $250 in fines and you'll get the bill for fixing the latch assy and replacing the lock. He'll get a "sern talking"from the judge. The good news is that his name and address will be found on the police report and that is a matter of public record. The case number and $1. is all you'll need to get a copy of the police report. It may be free if you say you need a copy for insurance purposes ;)
Very good info! Thanks.
Hate to hear it, TK. In the future, maybe it's best to leave the thing unlocked, so that people who want to break in will see that nothing is in there? And at least you now know that you shouldn't store anything in there and leave it unattended. Keep us updated.
Hopefully if you can get the cops to give you his name and addy (if they get that far) you can give him a personal beating.
Dont hold your breath on the system doing anything to him...this is why shite like this still happens today!

I'll say it again...people only smarten up when lotsa pain is delivered to them!

(ToyKraz @ Mar. 08 2007,10:01) Update... I am going to do my best to catch this guy and F**K him.  The cameras show it happened at 10:06pm last night (while I still had employees here working). the guy was driving a White F350 with a Tool box in the bed.  Looks like a tall white guy with short hair. I am trying to clean up the video now to get a plate and then call the police with a copy of the video and the screwdriver the idiot used.
Why didn't you call the cops before? They can dust for prints on the trailer and screwdriver...

They did that for me when some dudes tried stealing my car 10 years ago... and caught them!
(PaNDeM1C @ Mar. 09 2007,14:34)
(ToyKraz @ Mar. 08 2007,10:01) Update... I am going to do my best to catch this guy and F**K him.  The cameras show it happened at 10:06pm last night (while I still had employees here working). the guy was driving a White F350 with a Tool box in the bed.  Looks like a tall white guy with short hair. I am trying to clean up the video now to get a plate and then call the police with a copy of the video and the screwdriver the idiot used.
Why didn't you call the cops before? They can dust for prints on the trailer and screwdriver...

They did that for me when some dudes tried stealing my car 10 years ago... and caught them!
Pan,.... Call the cops before when? They broke in at 10pm I called the police at 7am as soon as I got to work and found it.
(guido4512 @ Mar. 09 2007,06:48) This kind of shite is happening everywhere. Yesterday, a Jeep parked next to my wife (at work ) was cut into and the bastids swiped everything. In broad daylight. Stereo, wallet, digital camera, etc. Bastids deserve to
They got me on the 26th of Feb for DVD/TV player, camera, CD's ect! Also
Why is it that some people think it's absolutely OK to take what doesn't belong to them? I don't get it. Too bad you can't show the dude another place to "store" a screw driver!!!

Get him and show that thieving prick what an ass whooping is like. Then crush his kneecaps when he's down. A good stomp with a stiff riding boot will do.
(lot boy @ Mar. 08 2007,14:35) ya say you still had people working there while this happend?   somthing seems funny about that...... most thugs wait till every one is gone.
I can tell you the greatest satisfaction you should feel is the surprise on this **holes face when the cops bust him for B&E.  Slam dunk conviction or plea, because you got him on tape!  He will have the inconvenience of being arrested & booked and the added expense of bail and legal fees.  No repercussions against you because the you let the authorities handle it for you.  Great follow up, keep us posted.
Tweekers stole the cayalytic converter off my shop truck in front of my shop last week. Left it outside for one night in order to put customers trailer inside so that wouldn't get jacked. !!!!!!! Damn tweekers !!!!!!!