I failed my friends.....

Cap, life happens to fast sometimes, and you cant control it. I just want to thank you for this site, and what it means to so many of us. I have made many friends all over the country from this site, and the friends I have here in my area and hang out with, consist of people from this site, and they are a great group of people. SO, with that being said, I do not think that you have let anyone down, life just happens to fast.
Semi, I should have seen something with your situation, honestly I knew from the lack of text messages, emails, PM's and posting on the site that something was up but I didn't get up and check it out... Chelle, the same for you over the past few months..... I haven't seen uncle steve in probably 5 months... There is something GIGANTICALLY wrong in my life when I can't find the time to get together with the Professor or Uncle Steve, Twotonevert or heck having Semi show up with a weeks worth of mods... Something needs to change for me now.....

brother, you can't be there for everyone all the time and you'll drive yourself nuts if you try...i knew you were only a phone call away and could and would have made it ring if things were too bad...we all go through stuff and it is friends like you and so many others around here that help me make it through the week...thank you for being who you are :bowdown:
you didnt fail anyone, we are all busy chasing life around this ball of mud.
Lost for words, so all I can say is Merry Christmas to all of you and may you have a blessed 2013.

Semi, hope things perk up for you, you know where we are, always welcome should you be close or need something.
I hate when I get so busy that I miss the signs that my friends put out that they are having problems. I have always prided myself on being observant and being able to detect when a friend had troubles at home... I missed many indicators because I was too caught up in my own life... Sorry folks, you know who you are too! I will have more of a presence of the forum in an effort to see things more clearly...

I know many find it Corny that I have good friends on the Internet but it's the truth... I care about my friends and I need to start acting like it....

You're a good man Doug, don't beat yourself up.

No one can ever always be 100 % to everybody 100 % of the time .

But just recognizing that fact is your salvation. :bigcrowd: