I'm just going to throw you a little "prediction" bone here. As much as I want Obama out of office, and as much as I believe that Obama is the precursor to the Anti-Christ...

......, Romney will not win this election. First, it is very difficult to unseat a sitting president. Although Obama is the worst president in history, in my own opinion, he has a huge following. Next, people tend not to want to upset the apple cart so to speak by changing presidents, that is, unless there is a major crisis in America. I think we are in that crisis but many people do not think the way I do and that's okay with me, we all have different views. So again, I'll predict Obama will win easily, mainly because he will get Ohio and Florida. PA is too close for me to call. Politics are a funny thing, and I wish I could say with all sincerety that Obama was going to lose, but I have to go with my gut instinct here, and my 53 years of political following. I will be voting for Romney though.
ps: I really don't care how Romney made his millions, this is America, a capitalist nation, and I like it that way. It's what help build America as the greatest nation on earth! Go live in a third-world country for a while and try socialism. I've been there, seen it, saw the affects on the people of those countries, I'll take capitalism any day! And furthermore, why do you think they are all coming here?