hit by cage- when to contact an atty?


idiot backd into me on the 9th
i got an estimate and faxd his ins co on the 11th.
aint heard back since, and i left msgs all last week.
its liberty county out of dallas.
i really dont want to have my company fix the bike, i have a perfect rating, and its hard as hell to insure a sporty here.
the estimates $1300........
get one as soon as you can and go after them. I know that with USAA insurance, they will persue the other company so that they dont have to pay it out... might check with your insurance and see what they say. Can't hurt you to check as long as you dont file against your policy
thats the thing
they indicated it would go against me
this is state farm- the same f---ers that only gave me $6700 on a stated policy of $8k (is that whats referred to as a bi-nomial policy screwing)?
I've had SF for a long time, and never had any issues with them...maybe I'm just lucky.

If you get a copy of the police report (you did call them, right?) and it shows the other driver at fault, then SF should be able to contact their insurance company to get the ball rolling.

I don't know the laws in TX, but in other places I lived, if you were involved in an accident whether it was your fault or not, then you were required to notify your insurance company within 15 days. The police would forward the info to them also, so if you didn't inform them yourself, they could cancel your policy or fine you.

Side Note: Do you carry coverage for BOTH "Uninsured Motorist" and "Underinsured Motorist". You need both to cover your azz. This may be why SF wants to charge you even though it's not your fault.

Good Luck
oh i have comprehensive.....
i filled out the accident report and mailed it in, as is now required. got a copy too
it was in a pkg lot, cops not called
if i dont hear from his ins co by this afternoon i guess ill call sf back. they told me theyd wait till early this wk, when i talked to them last wk.
but is 2 weeks enough time to wait to hear back, or am i just impatient?
State Farm should send an adjuster out to look at your bike. After they come up with the damage total have them give you a check. They will either cut you a check on the spot or mail it to you in a few days. They may or may not subtract the deductible if they do you should get that once the other company pays state farm.
I would call the guy (you did get his phone # right
) and tell him his Insurance Comp has not gotten with you and all you've done. Tell him you don't want to go to an Attorney, BUT
 . That will usually make them contact you immediately
Had almost the same problem in my car. Some teenage girl on a cellphone with 3 friends in the car backed into my passenger side door. Since in was in a parking lot (private property) no police would write a report. The insurance company (hers (State farm)) didnt want to pay anything because they couldnt establish fault. Like my car travels sideways. If it wasnt for a few witnesses, I would have been screwed. If you have witnesses, get some phone #'s for your agent to call.
Unfortunately, If you call the agent to start the process it goes against you. Some jackass didn't put his brakes on his work van a few years back, it popped out of gear and rolled into the side of my house/garage. We had the same insurance company. Allstate. The contractor was dragging his feet and wouldn't do anything (Propbanbly anticipating I would eventually cave, I did. becasue a structural engineer made that side of the house off limits until repaired. So when i called explained the whole situation, they said it would not count against me. They lied. Because 6 months later, my wife lost her wedding ring and thye dropped us from homeowners becasue of excessive claims. I said this is the only one, they said no, you had one 6 mos. ago. Go figure. Thats why i tell everyone i know. #### Allstate!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I had state insurance for three years and no one would touch me. ANd all my other stuff is in greast order. Credit, etc. Sorry for the rant, but wait a while, call a lawyer, becasue the moral of the story is. You never know when you may legitamtely need insurance then you get screwed for claims that you didn't cause.
If you have a accident on private property go ahead and call the police and insist on a report. I know Ga will give you one but you have to push. If your worried if they will or not just claim your injuried, no you don't have to go to the hospital, just refuse transport and treatment and the police will come and make a report. Hope this helps
Had almost the same problem in my car. Some teenage girl on a cellphone with 3 friends in the car backed into my passenger side door. Since in was in a parking lot (private property) no police would write a report. The insurance company (hers (State farm)) didnt want to pay anything because they couldnt establish fault. Like my car travels sideways. If it wasnt for a few witnesses, I would have been screwed. If you have witnesses, get some phone #'s for your agent to call.
wow...... 16 yr old on phon with 3 friends RAN INTO MY BIKE!!!!!! HEAD ON!!!! I see a pattern with teenage girls and cell phones.........
Yep , call the lawyer !!! Same thing happened to me years ago . If you let insurance handle it , your rates go up. Remember though , lawyer gets on average , 33% of the settlement !
oh i have comprehensive.....
i filled out the accident report and mailed it in, as is now required. got a copy too
it was in a pkg lot, cops not called
if i dont hear from his ins co by this afternoon i guess ill call sf back. they told me theyd wait till early this wk, when i talked to them last wk.
but is 2 weeks enough time to wait to hear back, or am i just impatient?
Comprehensive is NOT the same as the uninsured and underinsured coverage. The later covers you against drivers that don't have enough insurance or no insurance at all.

Hindsight is always 20/20, so I'm not trying to bust on ya. Just trying to help you be informed about the options you have available.

Hope it all works out for you.
Today would make 2 weeks since the accident and if there was no contact I would call an attorney!
And always call the cops in the future so they can fill out an accident report and cite the at fault driver.