

Hopefully I can get some info about a problem I am having with my busa. When I am in first gear and I nail the throttle to raise the front end, I hear a popping sound coming from what seems like the chain area. The chain doesn't appear to be too loose and the popping doesn't happen every time. Does anyone have any ideas as to what may be doing this?
I have heard this. Don't have any phkn idea what it is. It bothers me, but can't find it. I have an 01 with 12000 miles.
Hey, I just went through this two weeks ago.
I tried everything, then in the end found out that the chain was stretched in one place causing this weird popping/clicking sound.
Lift the rear of your bike and rotate the wheel taking note if there is tight and loose spots in the chain as you rotate.
If there is replace chain, problem fixed.
At one point in the rotation of my wheel the chain was right tight, then 180 later it was very loose.
Hope that's it Bird.
The bike only has a little over 2k miles on it. I don't do any real aggresive riding, I just pop a wheelie every now and then. Would this cause the chain to stretch and also what kind of problems am I looking at if it is a stretched chain? Any danger?
Have you tightened your chain lately?
If you set it too tight without your weight on it is very likely that it streched in one place, maybe when riding it and wheelieing or maybe you hit a pothole or swail that stretched it with your weight on it.
As the swingarm goes up from weight or bumps or whatever the chain gets tighter.
If the chain is stretched replace it and there should be no other problems.
You sound like you're just as scared as I was.
I just hope this is the problem and nothing major.
the chain needs to be adjusted. with a rider on it.

I had the same exact problem with my chain. Did not expect it to be loose with only 600 miles on her.......
Hard acceleration = slam slam slam, etc...
Adjusted the chain properly, like a whole new bike. No more slam, smooth transitioning through turns and shifting, and most of all, extremely sharp increase in power due to evenly distributed power transfer to the pavement.

Do the dew!, erm, I mean do the chain adjustment. Keep it under close watch, it is the most important easy maintenance to be done on a regular basis outside of tire pressure.
the chain needs to be adjusted. with a rider on it.

I had the same exact problem with my chain. Did not expect it to be loose with only 600 miles on her.......
Hard acceleration = slam slam slam, etc...
Adjusted the chain properly, like a whole new bike. No more slam, smooth transitioning through turns and shifting, and most of all, extremely sharp increase in power due to evenly distributed power transfer to the pavement.

Do the dew!, erm, I mean do the chain adjustment. Keep it under close watch, it is the most important easy maintenance to be done on a regular basis outside of tire pressure.
It shall be done. Thanx cache!
no problem.... just make sure you let us know if that worked for you. I don't like bad report cards.