

i bought my first busa back in jan. its a 2003 and i love it. but it always dies on me when downshifting from 2nd to 1st, usually coming to a stop. sometimes it does it alot (up to 10 times in a day if i ride alot) and it seems to do it more when it's hotter outside, i don't really know if that has anything to do with it or not though. sometimes when i restart it, it'll stutter and backfire as well. ive been contemplating taking it in but i hate bein without my baby, lol. if anybody knows what could be causing this and could offer some insight i'd appreciate it.
also does anybody else out there have trouble with their busa hangin in neutral when shifting to 2nd?
Hey Noob........welcome to the board........just take the bike in.......you've still got warranty on it, and if something bad's goin on you'll want it on record at yer local Zuk shop anyway.
Nother thing....if yer stallin that much, yer beatin the piss outta yer starter for nothin.......stalls up to ten times a day.....yikes.
ok so i should've read some of the other topics and replies before i opened my big mouth, lol. so i went and turned up the idle, thx to whoever posted how to do that.(even though it wasn't nearly as easy as you made it sound, especially after i dropped a washer down in the engine, lol) i haven't ridden yet though to see if it works because it's raining here. but i'll let ya know what happens. i think it'll do the trick though scince she was idling at 1000 or just a hair under. i would still like some insight on the hanging in nuetral thing. it seems to do it more when i hammer on it and shift.