Hayabusa first sport bike


Hi All,

I am new to the site and wanted to get some feedback from the experienced folk on here about my choice of first sports bikes. This spring I intend to get an 09 Hayabusa as my first sports bike. I currently own an 09 Suzuki Boulevard M90.

Can you share your experience and recommendations? I am a responsible adult and I am not getting the bike to push it to its limits but want a sports bike to complement my cruiser. I have only a total of 4000 miles of riding experience all on the M90.

You will be fine, My first bike was the Busa, Just take it easy and remember it is only as fast as you make it.

The more comfortable you get with it the more fun you can have on it.
welcome to the madness.i know the search function is useless, usually is on any forum, but if you use google you can get right back here (and to other busa forums). good luck.
:welcome: Take it easy with the Busa, all bikes can get away from ya, the Busa just does it WAY faster. You said responsible adult, as long as you stay that wasy on the Busa you will be happy:thumbsup:
go 4 it. keeping the bike under 4grand for the first 500 miles helped me get used the bike. just wear gear, be safe. and have fun
Hi and welcome to the Org!! :welcome:

:rulez:are:rulez:... Lets see what you got :cheerleader::cheerleader:

I think you will be just fine on a Busa. They are great bikes and you will never want for more. I think you are making a great decision! :beerchug:
You will be fine, My first bike was the Busa, Just take it easy and remember it is only as fast as you make it.

The more comfortable you get with it the more fun you can have on it.

Just because you were lucky doesn't mean he will be.

4000 miles is not a lot of experience, and i would not suggest a Busa.. of course I would not have suggested a 1400cc M90 as a beginners bike either.

Anyway, good luck and welcome!
Just because you were lucky doesn't mean he will be.

4000 miles is not a lot of experience, and i would not suggest a Busa.. of course I would not have suggested a 1400cc M90 as a beginners bike either.

Anyway, good luck and welcome!

I agree.

But.. if you must; Be easy with throttle inputs above 4K.

You are used to a bike that makes big torque down low.. the Busa makes crazy power as the rpms build... it'll make your M90 feel slow, and the M90 is no slouch.

Just take it easy for awhile... please.
The Busa is a powerful bike so you will need to be careful with the throttle control. They are a little top heavy so when braking on slow turns you can get into trouble ( too much front ). What nice is the mode switch that helps beginners with the power issue " C " mode is your friend for awhile. They can be tame bikes or beasts but it's all in the riders control. Ride at your comfort level and don't rush it... they are great bikes.
The Busa is a powerful bike so you will need to be careful with the throttle control. They are a little top heavy so when braking on slow turns you can get into trouble ( too much front ). What nice is the mode switch that helps beginners with the power issue " C " mode is your friend for awhile. They can be tame bikes or beasts but it's all in the riders control. Ride at your comfort level and don't rush it... they are great bikes.


:welcome: to the the best Busa site on the net ananga73
Make sure you have the bike upright when you open up the throttle. My Brother borrowed my bike and said, "I think I sucked out a filling getting on the freeway."
I am a responsible adult

Wait till you get the busa. All that's gonna change. :lol: :lol:

Compared to that cruiser you have, will suck your eyeballs back into your head. :lol:

Then again you can ride it like an ole granny too. :laugh:

Get out there and explore. Let us know how it turns out. :welcome:

Hi All,

I am new to the site and wanted to get some feedback from the experienced folk on here about my choice of first sports bikes. This spring I intend to get an 09 Hayabusa as my first sports bike. I currently own an 09 Suzuki Boulevard M90.

Can you share your experience and recommendations? I am a responsible adult and I am not getting the bike to push it to its limits but want a sports bike to complement my cruiser. I have only a total of 4000 miles of riding experience all on the M90.


I have only a total of 4000 miles of riding experience all on the M90.
:welcome:. I think you'll be alright. Just take it easy at first. Have fun.:beerchug: