My first sport bike burnout...

I have two empty frames nailed at the wall of my study... wonder if... maybe... yes, I think it would look very nice...
I am waiting forever for a picture of something desirable to hang in those frames. This could be it! Very artistic and hayabusish <--- newest word of the world!
A picture using my very low quality webcam just to prove I wasn't kidding...

I have two empty frames nailed at the wall of my study... wonder if... maybe... yes, I think it would look very nice...
I am waiting forever for a picture of something desirable to hang in those frames. This could be it! Very artistic and hayabusish <--- newest word of the world!
:rofl: Hmmm... Maybe I should have laid down a piece of 1/8th inch white painted fiberglass and done the burnout on that. Then I could have cut out the laid down rubber spot to fit a frame. :wink:

LOL! That would have been funny might have the gals looking at your kinda funny, but who cares?! Framing burnouts...there may be a market! :biggrin:
I have two empty frames nailed at the wall of my study... wonder if... maybe... yes, I think it would look very nice...
I am waiting forever for a picture of something desirable to hang in those frames. This could be it! Very artistic and hayabusish <--- newest word of the world!
:rofl:  Hmmm... Maybe I should have laid down a piece of 1/8th inch white painted fiberglass and done the burnout on that. Then I could have cut out the laid down rubber spot to fit a frame.  :wink:

Don't laugh BT....I think that's an awesome idea......just might have to try it when this tire is near the end. :beerchug:
Hey MSF... Just make sure to secure the "canvas" to the ground. That thing would really zing if it came loose during a nice burnout! :biggrin: :biggrin: :biggrin: