Have the hyperbikes had it?


(...sucked this up from the "favorite bike" thread because I think it really is a different subject...)

Neither Kawi nor Suzi have a lot of incentive to improve their hyperbikes. For one, they don't sell like the liter bikes at all -- they never have. Second, there's no real (popular) racing class for their respective hyperbikes, so there's little constant pressure to improve. Third, Kawi and Suzi are one company now (sort of), so why bother?

(...oh, yeah, Honda makes a fast bike, don't they? Hmmm...)

Lastly, though there's plenty they can do to the platform, the yield is questionable.

Meaning to say: In order for such a fast bike to stay on the ground, it has to be long, which limits its manueverability. Ok, that means it will never handle like a superbike. If it goes 0-60 faster than 2-odd seconds and get well into the nines in the 1/4, will it be controllable by an average rider using cost-effective suspension and braking components? Probably not.

Too much risk -- they haven't nearly reached the limit of the machine, but they very well may have reached the limit of human ability to control such machines on the street and their legal departments' acceptance of liability. Of course, the liter bikes are already approaching this speculated limit of ability that the 'Busa and ZX-R may already be at.

Somebody on sh.org pointed out that other bikes (e.g., the ZX-11) were thought to be "too fast" in their time. That's true, but it's kind of like saying we'll never run out of oil because we haven't yet and others have guessed wrong before.

Unless oil condenses out of the air, we will, and regular street riders can only control so much and the companies will only shoulder so much liability. But I think this is only ONE of the factors -- the whole picture is more grim I think (see above).

My gut feeling is that the 'Busa and the ZX-R (and, to a lesser extent, the XX) are very nearly the end of the line for longer-wheelbase "hyperbikes," and that the manufacturers may even drop them in order to make their lines more differentiated. That would leave the ZZR, ST13, FJR, BMWs, and Duc STs as "fast" sport-touring rides.

Of course, by that same logic, Kawi could ditch the ZX-12R and Suzi could just make the 'Busa more "streetable" because Suzi doesn't have a ride more commonly understood as a sport-tourer (the 'Busa works great for that, but many people think it's some kind of one-eyed monster...).

What do you all think? Oh, and I own an '03 silver/grey 'Busa. Wouldn't want it any other way.
Don't mean to get off topic mcoyote. I got the vista gps that you recommened, thanks and could you post some pics of it mounted on your bike or email them to me?? Thanks again.
I think that it is somewhat of a contest between the different brands of bikes.  To see who's is the fastest type thing.  But as you stated they can only go so far until they would have to take some sort of liability.  The busa and the 12 alot for someone to just hop on and ride it like any other bike, so I don't see them going up much from where they are at now if at all. I don't think that it will be the end of them, though.

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I see some small upgrades for the Busa in the next two years, maybe a little less weight, maybe 5 - 10 more horsepower, make some things a little smoother, but I don't see a major redesign of the bike. All the engineering and tooling are in place for the current bike and they are probably selling exactly how many they want to be selling. Plus with the ZX12 not taking the top speed crown then Suzuki can still stand tall. I don't think they will drop the bikes as long as they sell and I think they will keep selling for a long time. The liter bikes may be getting close to the same top speed and quarter mile times but they also don't fit a lot of people. Each bike has a niche to fill.
Yeah I hope the Busa gets a mild redesign, but I could give a rat's ass if the litre bikes end up being more powerful or faster, I bought my bike to enjoy on the "real life" roads. The litre bikes are too small and too uncomfortable for me to ever consider buying one.
To answer your concerns in brief: There is no real reason to improve somthing that dominates in it's class and many other bikes on the street. Small refinements, I would say are to be expected as with any evolvement of production. Perfect example you mentioned; the ZX-11. The bike dominated it's class since the early 90's. It wasn't untill the ZX-9r was revamped in 98' along with the new breed of light weight cycles that it was improved with the ZX-12r. As far as the Busa goes it can be expected to remain unchanged untill there is reason enough to improve it. This does not necessarlaly mean the first bike that beats it will cause Suzuki to start with a fresh slate. I would think it would have to be beat in many if not all aspects of perfomance ie.. ergonomics, street handling, reliability, and overall performance.I personally don't think this will happen for a few more years. Just my opinion.
I think in the near future, just to remain competitive and keep sales up, Suzuki will perform some basic modifications to the beast. Nothing too drastic because as we've seen in 03' emphasis will be on maintaining dominance with the gixxe 1000. I think as long as there are guys like us who desire speed 1st, but comfort as a close 2nd, the Busa will be around for a long time. AGAIN I SAY HOW MANY BIKES ARE THERE THAT YOU CAN COMFORTABLY CARRY A PASSENGER FOR A 4-5 HOUR RIDE ON SATURDAY (ONE WAY) AND BANG OUT 9-10s ON SUNDAY IN THE 1/4. NOONE CAN COMPARE TO THIS. The only one that comes close is the zx12 and it rides like a sport bike so that eliminates the comfort factor. For now lets just enjoy being #1 and worry about the future when it presents itself.

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From a performance perspective, I think it will be a while before Suzi makes many changes. Any thing an individual needs to add for personal reasons or for race reasons can by the individual as it is today. In order to make it more in tune with the touring crow I could see them adding options for accessories (GPS, iPod, travel bags) at purchase. Otherwise I would keep it the way it is at purchase and allow the individual to make any modifications. Why mess up a good thing?
The way i look at it The BUsa will remain unchanged 4 ever. minus any small mods. If you look at zooks history thats the way they do things. Think oif the gsxr 1100, 750 etc. Almost unchanged over the years except for twaeking here and there. I rode my budies 1000 last night and he rode my bus. HIs bike felt light, agile. HIgh as poop off the ground. And with the stock seat felt like a brick was up my ass! I respect the machine becasue i flicked her up to 140 in a blink. But my busa is the poop. I love her and would not change a thing about her. Big dogs need big toys!!!!
aaah....if one needs more speed, he need to look no further than a "sleeper" turbo system.

Speaking of which, I would love to see the Hayabusa come out in 2005 with a small turbocharger on it. Oooh la la!
The bike is maxxed out ... the International speed cap and the legal issues of producing fast bikes are just too high to invest new research $$$ in making a better hyper bike when you've already got the crown as the king of speed --- whats the incentive
? NONE.... sell as many as we can, make as much money out of the product as you can, and then create another product...

One thing to remember is that we love this bike...but to suzuki its just another resource to make money.... once sales drop to a certain level they'll either end production or make some minor mod. My money says they'll drop it and come up with a different bike..

Hate to say it but nothing last forever, and as much as we love our busas to suzuki its just another cash cow they'll milk dry and then replace.