Had to teach the bus a lesson today

R1's are ok except for the fact that they look like a big ass hornet.......and if you can't see over the or around the Busa......STAND UP!
Revlis, For some reason I am compelled to respond to you.

Cloverleafs are smooth long and good for traction. A perfect place to hone your skills and become more familiar with your bike's limits, and your own limits. Another plus is you can see way ahead of you, most places here have either traffic or trees blocking your view. I feel safer getting to know my limits before I go balls out on my favorite route. Does that mean I cannot turn left? No.

As for pics I have been riding alone. I work 3-11pm... lonely shift I say. I will get them if ever the chance arises.

I am not sure if you are pulling my chain or flaming. I kinda took it as a flame. I am not mad.

I prolly shoulda tossed in a smiley face...Not flaming, just chain pulling...

I was thinking about this thread driving the cage in this morning...I was all excited about hitting the interstate clover leafs (On the Busa) when it hit me.  I'll be turning right all day...But where can I explore the limits turning left?:super:  Guess I would have to go to England...  Mostly I was kinda curious as to whether or not this means the right edge of your tires and right knee slider have substantialy more wear.  :super:

I am still on the prowl in the Tampa area for some big tucked away, CLEAN parking lot where I could work on my skills...still haven't found one, the Bus needs room to play.  

So you can lower your Hackles a bit...  Just playing...

Now go learn how to turn left.... :eek:
jeesh, I must need laid. I will have to teach the fiancee a lesson now too.

Yes the right side gets much more wear. It truly is difficult to find good left handers. Maybe it's because I like the inside lane. Your leaned over into traffic when going left so you have to hug the outside berm which leaves no room for error.
Yeah!  I have that same BUMPER Fear going on...The fear of the Dude in the F150 coming around that Left hander while i am cranked over hanging the head out...DOOOOONK...Headless Busa Man....  

Maybe you could run the Clover Leafs Backwords late at night?:super:   No, prolly a bad idea...  Thats why I am hunting for a monster Parking lot...Some place where I can get up some decent velocity and realy work on hanging and turning... As well as practice them spooky assed low speed U-turns...

What I really want is a Stunt/Thrash bike...Something cheap I can abuse and get really good at all the fun stuff on, stoppies, wheelies, burnouts etc... Something like a CBR600, stripped down with all the crash protection and folding levers... You know Huge rear sprocket, get it topping out at about 95MPH...
Yeah!  I have that same BUMPER Fear going on...The fear of the Dude in the F150 coming around that Left hander while i am cranked over hanging the head out...DOOOOONK...Headless Busa Man....  

Maybe you could run the Clover Leafs Backwords late at night?:super:   No, prolly a bad idea...  Thats why I am hunting for a monster Parking lot...Some place where I can get up some decent velocity and realy work on hanging and turning... As well as practice them spooky assed low speed U-turns...

What I really want is a Stunt/Thrash bike...Something cheap I can abuse and get really good at all the fun stuff on, stoppies, wheelies, burnouts etc... Something like a CBR600, stripped down with all the crash protection and folding levers... You know Huge rear sprocket, get it topping out at about 95MPH...
Dude, you are awesome.

Run the leafs backward? I kinda like it. Never even crossed my mind.