Figured i'd share this since alot of us own/carry firearms. Decided to go get some chipotle tonight, as always keys-check, wallet-check, phone-check, .45-check and went on my way. Guy is walking in from the side of me and notice he's carrying an springfield xd, open carrying it, which is legal in colorado, i have, but personally prefer concealed. So i go oh hey man you open carry everywhere. Tells me he carrys open everywhere he can and that its perfectly legal, so i go oh yea i know all the rules, i personally dont like to carry open but i do agree with the whole open carry "movement".
To be straight i am a firm believer open carry should be done in a either strapped holster or with some sort of retention device, he was simply carrying in nearly the same open top desanti's "slip fit" holster i carry with. but anyways...
He waits for someone outside and comes in, long line and he's a few people behind me and i hear people start talking about the "guy with the gun". I hear the guy behind me tell his wife "man maybe we should go somewhere else i dont like that at all, you cant just carry a gun around without a badge" I actually responded to him that the guy was well within his right and open carry is perfectly legal here. So i strike up a conversation with this couple and the guy behind them. Thinking to myself this guy carrying the xd is wearing creased khaki pants, nice shoes and a tucked in polo shirt, well groomed nice polite young man. Could easily pass for a detective or off duty officer with a badge on his belt. And yet everyone is looking at him as if he is a criminal. Yet they are talking to me in jeans and skater shoes, with a baseball hat and tattoos on my arms, and have no problem with me what so ever. YET i have a bigger caliber double stacked firearm, with less safety devices along with another 10rd mag on my opposite hip and the only difference between me and this other guy is mine is separated from them by an alpinestars shirt. This couple was completely clueless as to the fact that you can get a sheriff issued permit and carry a firearm concealed as well. I really wonder how many other people have absolutely no clue that someday the person that saves them during an armed robbery or some other instance may very well be some average looking guy, some lady in a dress, leathered up biker and not a cop?
To be straight i am a firm believer open carry should be done in a either strapped holster or with some sort of retention device, he was simply carrying in nearly the same open top desanti's "slip fit" holster i carry with. but anyways...
He waits for someone outside and comes in, long line and he's a few people behind me and i hear people start talking about the "guy with the gun". I hear the guy behind me tell his wife "man maybe we should go somewhere else i dont like that at all, you cant just carry a gun around without a badge" I actually responded to him that the guy was well within his right and open carry is perfectly legal here. So i strike up a conversation with this couple and the guy behind them. Thinking to myself this guy carrying the xd is wearing creased khaki pants, nice shoes and a tucked in polo shirt, well groomed nice polite young man. Could easily pass for a detective or off duty officer with a badge on his belt. And yet everyone is looking at him as if he is a criminal. Yet they are talking to me in jeans and skater shoes, with a baseball hat and tattoos on my arms, and have no problem with me what so ever. YET i have a bigger caliber double stacked firearm, with less safety devices along with another 10rd mag on my opposite hip and the only difference between me and this other guy is mine is separated from them by an alpinestars shirt. This couple was completely clueless as to the fact that you can get a sheriff issued permit and carry a firearm concealed as well. I really wonder how many other people have absolutely no clue that someday the person that saves them during an armed robbery or some other instance may very well be some average looking guy, some lady in a dress, leathered up biker and not a cop?