Good motorcycle karma


Track Coach / TufPoodle Coach
Motorcycle Karma!

BS... MythBusters to the rescue!! They could not get gasoline in a toilet to explode. Another internet myth bites the dust..
Yeah and Sliders are tempered glass. You go through one you MIGHT get a little cut or two, but most likely not, don't ask how I know this.

Still humerous story though.

Darwin Awards about 9 years ago I think, proved false.
Now this is a true story . I was in Korea for a Combined Arms Firing Exersice (CAFX) and we were all living in tents cities when not out in the field. Now when you #### up out in the field you get whats called Office Hours (non-judicial punishment) . This one guy in my company had gotten reduction of rank and pay and extra dutiy for some #### up and his extra duty inculded buring shitters . Burning shitters involves dragging cut off 50 gallons drums from under the outhouse and mixing the #### with Mogas and burning it till all the #### is gone . Well Jethro decided that he was tired of filling 5 gallon drums from a 50 gallon drum and waiting for the #### to entirely burn out before adding more fuel so he rolls a 50 gallon barrel on its edge over to the #### and tips it over hoping to to spill enough into the shitter to finish the job . At least thats was we later decided that he was doing only he really knew , but we all knew what happened next . The #### was still hot and the fire ran up and into the 50 gallon drum and exploded in a very loud music note. Now there is flaming gas every good time where and this guy rolling around out there in the flames screaming . The fire melted the snow and now the flames are riding on top of the water and heading towards tent city . Which goes up in flames also . Me and some guys in my platoon were standing about 50 yards away and had seen him rolling the barrel but had no idea he was going to do something that stupid. They med-Evacd him out and the last we heard he was in Besthesda Naval Hospital with burns on 80% of his body. Damn
i remember the myth busters dumping gas on the pavement and throwing a cigarette on it and nothing happening. like in the movies like Payback when mel gibson cut the fuel line to the car and flick a cigarette on the fuel that trickled down the road. i doubt it also, why dont somebody try it out for us