Friend & Neighbor went down really hard!


Donating Member
My neighbor (50years old) is no stanger to bikes. He has owned Nortons and sutff like that in the past. Anyway, he bought an old Harley this Spring, and spent the entire Summer and a bunch of money trying to get it running. He finally cut his losses and bought a brand new Honda VTX 1800. A big beautiful Harley look alike.

I was in Dallas when he e-mailed me that he had it. I returned last Sunday night and didn't see him on Monday. On Tuesday I was looking for him again when neighbors told me that he had had an accident that afternoon, and it was really bad. I still don't have the details but know it didn't involve another vehicle. The bottom line is that he went into a ditch and eventually hit a pole, fence, or both. He was fortunate to have had the accident right next to a doctors house, and she put a turniquette (spelling) on his leg. It saved his life, but he lost a lot of blood. They amputated his leg at the knee. He also broke both his arms and several bones in one of his hands. I guess he flat-lined a couple of times. Unfortunately, he was wearing one of those worthless beenie helmets, but he does not have any serious head injuries. He did break his jaw and lost all his lower teeth. He will also loose the top teeth I am told. He is still in the hospital and will be there for a while.

This is very depressing for me. Although I never encouraged him to get another bike, we often talked about riding together. For some reason I feel guilty.

Anyway, just needed to vent. Be careful out there.

Sorry to hear about this Greg...I was just counting my blessings yesterday that my circle of riders here in my little town have been so lucky, then you hit reality when you hear of someone else's accident...

I wonder what happened; sounds like someone or something caused him to go in the ditch...damn, and to lose his leg is so terrible.  Sounds like he's in quite a bit of pain, or will be in a lot of pain once they ween him off the strong pain meds and he comes around...

Don't feel guilty...there's nothing you've done or could have done to prevent something like this.  You weren't even around him at the time.  Best thing to do is pay him a visit, send a card, just let him know you're thinking of him and send your best wishes for him...he's going to have a long road ahead, no doubt...he'll need friends around to help him through it all...

Best of wishes to your friend might not seem like it to him right now, but it could have been worse; I'm sure lots of people would miss him if he weren't around...

Take safe...
Sorry to hear about your friend.

The only thing I do not like on this board is hearing about when a biker goes down, but it is a good thing to know, it should help keep us more on our toes.

I have had a cousin get killed on a bike, although They think he may have died prior to the accident, he was only 35 years old. His dad and brother were riding with him and they both say he stiffened up prior to the crash. Also, he never braked for the turn and rode straight off the road.

Just had some friend get hit by a cager last week, making a left turn from the right lane, she said she never saw them, I guess that happens when you do not look.
They are both ok, just some cuts, stitches and soreness, fortunately they were only doing about 35 mph.

It is scary out there. My wife and son ride, and that scares me more that when I ride.

All I can say is ride like the other guy is going to hit you, stay in the open, always leave yourself a way out.

It is not your fault about what happened. You had no control over the situation or the event.

Just be careful ot there.
Ya know? I just really hate to hear this. I talked myself out of havin' a bike for several years before finally breakin' down and gettin' the busa. I always reminded myself of the wrecks I worked, like yer friends, where someone is really fubar'd. I was all pumped about today's ride until I read this. Kinda puts a damper on the whole thing...

Oh well, it ain't like I sell candy for a livin'. I'd rather get f'd up by the busa than by some $5 crackhead that doesn't want to go to jail. I guess if I'm going to risk the job I may as well take a few chances with something I actually enjoy as well.

Sorry to hear about yer neighbor, man. I know it hits home with you even more so than it does with me.
Accidents like the one you described makes me think if it's really worth it to ride motorcycles. The risks are enormous.
Today I was closer than ever to hit a van really hard. Ever since I started to ride motorcycles last year, I have been developing an hate for cages, and whenever is possible, I refuse to drive a cage or to enter one at all.
But when I hear about someone losing a leg or something similar, I think to myself that it's a price to high to pay.
Ride safely everyone!
there's probably F/A that most of us here on the site can do, but offer our sympathies and best wishes for a speedy recovery . I hope he can pull thru and salvage a good life .

Hope you'll be ok too , when all is said and done .

People can be surprising sometimes an' astound us with their resilience , not only to overcome , but also to adapt.
My wish is that you both come out of this as untainted as possible .
Yer a good guy , from what I've seen here on the site , and its my belief you'll stand by yer friend no matter what .
I tend to be the type of person that when life gives me a little slap in the face...I like to give it a kick back , right in the balls .

If this type of crash ever happens to me , I'll rebuild my Busa into a trike .

Stand by him , whatever he decides . Unessecary advice... for a person of yer character .

my smpathies and best wishes.......Andy . ( RSD ).
sorry bout your neighbor T, hope he has a speedy recovery.

Guilt that isn't yours to bare, let it go.
There wasn't, isn't and will not be anything you could've, would've, or should've been able to do to prevent this tragedy, there is only one who could, can, or would, and he chose it to happen this way.

Godspeed in recovery for your friend,
Ride safe..

Sorry to hear about your friend. I think RSD said it best, we are here for you, and give him the support he needs. We had a rider go down this weekend also. Broke his collar bone in 3 pieces and broke his foot also.

You are a good man, and obviously have a good conscience. You also know he would not want you to feel guilty in any way.

My thoughts are with you,

:sad: wholy crAp

that sucks bud. which neigbor is it? hope he is gonna be okay..... er, better... jeez.
Greg I'm very sorry to hear about your neighbor. I hope he heals up fast.
Best of thoughts and wishes for all.
Sometimes lifes biggest blessings come from the deepest ravines life can throw at us... I hope this is going to be the case with your friend/neighbor. Our thoughts and prayers go out to him and family...........
:sad:   wholy crAp

that sucks bud. which neigbor is it? hope he is gonna be okay..... er, better... jeez.
he lives in my cul de sac. If you are facing out of my driveway, he is the 4th house on the left. Or, as you enter my street, he is the second house on the right. He has that big azz Rottweiler that may have been in his driveway.

I am so happy that we recently had an opportunity to go out together. It may be a while before we get that opportunity again.
:sad:   wholy crAp

that sucks bud. which neigbor is it? hope he is gonna be okay..... er, better... jeez.
he lives in my cul de sac. If you are facing out of my driveway, he is the 4th house on the left. Or, as you enter my street, he is the second house on the right. He has that big azz Rottweiler that may have been in his driveway.

I am so happy that we recently had an opportunity to go out together. It may be a while before we get that opportunity again.
Good news Greg is that you'll get a chance to go out again...keep your chin up and pay him a visit when he's ready...

Any new news about him? Do you know what happened yet?

He's been in my thoughts...
Yeah, keep us posted on his condition and details of the accident as you get them. I'm curious as to how it happened.
Sorry to hear about your friend Thinker. The only thing to do now is be positive and support your friend. Shows us all that we should be more careful. I'm sure that most all of us have had plenty of close calls whether they were our fault or not. Lots of amazing stories out there about the bodies ability to heal.  It's going to take alot of time and support. Hope everything works out for your friend and you.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              
Man, Cold hard reminder for all of us to keep it within each of our personal limits,

Really sad to hear about this, brought a tear to the eye, my thoughts are with him and his family...
Please give your friend my regards, having recently wrecked and contemplating whether I should still ride with the obviously high consequences this hit me hard. I guess you can get killed or crippled at any time in life it still makes me wonder whether it is worth it. It is not your fault in any way Thinker, but I know how you feel. --TP
I guess I'd rather die livin' than live dead. If we ain't doin' what we enjoy then what is the friggin' point? I'll keep ridin' til I either can't, or don't want to. Then I'll go on from there... :cool:
Sorry about your friend but don't feel guilty.He needs your support now.Help him on his way to recovery.