Finally turbo'd my ride!

I thikn i cuold bild you a full sistem for ... how about $663? How big do U want the nitrus sistem to be? I got some wippets. Bet we cuoild make a reel grate sistem with them wippets, probly put a hole bunch of em togehter and make ur bike even faster than my bike. At leest Id have somewon to ride with coz nobody can keep up with me now witht his new turbo sistem.

Wow. . . Please tell me all that spelling was part of the joke.
:rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl: I sooo hope that is not what your putting on your bike.
dont worry. itll look a hole lot better after i pante it. enyway it will all gbe hidden under the fairing so U wont see it. i gess some of my welds came out kidna crappy now that i look at it more cairfully. but it sure goes like stink now! !

im takin orders igf aneebuddy wants me to make one for U
well few things are for sure, used the wrong setting on the welder, may have even used the wrong rod, definatly stinks at welding, didnt even attemt to clean up the welds, that defiantly looks like fence post like randy said...the turbo is missing whatever is supposed to be hooked up to the fitting on top..oiler maybe? it doesnt appear there is anywhere for the exhaust to go after spining through the turbo...didnt we all just see this picture like 2 days ago from the list of other failures someone else posted up?
Hey, don't worry 'bout them welds brother, ain't nothing that a lil grinding and plating won't fix up purtty! Nice job!

Ooh he said turbo system ... thought he'd said turdo system. Here I was thinking he had some kind of new fangled sewage handling device. Man that looks like shiz! :poke:
I actually didn't know what I was looking at, at first..... I was like is that a plenum... no wait there is the compressor..... where is the oh now I see it..... :thumbsup:
I'm still wondering...what times you getting with her?
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Man i had her down at the rode we use for drag racntg and i think she was probly runnin in the 7s but the durnd weel (weal?) wudnt hook up rite on the tar n chip rode. pretty shur i smoked my tire good and the rubber is all tore up bad. cluch aint actin too good enymor neether. man i tell ya this thing is a vbeest with this turbo on it!
Does this guy own a grinder
corse i one a grinder. wut do U thikn i am stopid?

enyway i no U was lookin to put a turbo on Ur haybusa demmym. i jus fownd a bunch of fens post an i got lots of cote hanger wire for weldin. now all i got to do is find an other turbo. got min from a dodge lanser tubo. mabee i can fined an other one for U to!