Exhaust noise levels

O.K. Dawg im in the same boat with the muzzy on a kawi, my ZRX has a full muzzy and it is rediculous to ride AND ride behind especially when you open it up. Since I do a lot of riding with buddies, I have a small concern for their comfort level when riding in the back. HOWEVER da busa is running a full akropovic exhaust and while not excessively loud, it does have somewhat the "roar" everybody seems to want over the stocker. and they let me lead again...........
Loud really doesn't work. OK, but it sounds good and looks good. My bike had stock pipes for two years(two years too long) and the cops pull bikes over just to see if the are going to run. Loud or quiet it doesn't matter you will still get pulled over around my town. I have 3 buds that are cops and they will tell you the same. In town the loud pipes help when you are next to some old fart in a cadi that needs to change lanes. On the highway it doesn't help.
Plus everyone can hear me kicking every other bikes butt!